Reuben had indeed had no problem waiting the full hour for Ahnciel to return. He had actually been running through the information he had gotten from the ship recording device from Ahnciels pod. It was... interesting to say the least. For one, the recoeding of him drawing satanic symbols was strange and he seemed quite distressed throughout the whole ordeal. Then he began... singing... it was inticing for Reuben who had not heard singing in a very long time and Ahnciel seemed to have an aptitiude for it. He listened to the information until Ahnciel returned and snapped him out of it. He looked down at the small dog-like humanoid, Reuben's blue eyes focusing on his charge. He decided things would go better if Ahnciel knew his name, [color=ed1c24]"-Greetings Ahnciel, I believe it would be prudent to introduce myself properly. I am Reuben Jerger, a Steel Ranger for the Society of Steel. Now that we have been introduced, I must ask the purpose of your coming to this station as well a-"[/color], Reuben noticeably whinced a bit, and his right eye changed from blue to red. He stood stock still for a moment, before his eye began flashing red and blue rather than be a solid color, [color=ed1c24]"-Apologies, it appears the data I collected from your ship recorder was encrypted. It has corrupted a small amount of data in my memory banks and will soon require a manual maintenance override, but for now I have isolated the corrupted data... are you familiar with standard maintenance of a Steel Guard or Steel guard analouge.-[/color], he asked the question very straight faced. He could of course take care of it himslef, but manual maintenance on the the brain was more... delicate, and was far easier with assistance and if Ahnciel was possibly an engineer of some sort he would certainly be able to help. [color=ed1c24]"-As for Par, the human designated Jericho is yet to reveal his location or take me to him, until this happens I will remain here.-"[/color]