Arthal made his way into the village, most of the people shrinking back at the sight of Elf. He was a stranger and more importantly he looked different to the humans present, thus prejudice would abide. However he saw a little girl, she looked scared as he sat in alone hugging a doll to her chest. Carefully walking over he reached into his back and offered her an apple, she took it waiting a moment before biting into eating happily. Soon the villagers emerged and began to speak with Arthal, asking him about where he was from, why he had come, and many more such questions. He avoided answering them as best he could before finally asking about the dragon, most of the town got quite after that. A older woman stepped up, her knee's shook as she leaned on her cane staring at the Elf who unknown to her had live a great deal longer. "The dragon is our lord, many such beasts awoke and protect villages like ours. In exchange it eats some of our live stock and we must give valuables we find. They defend us from the dark creatures, their might roars alone scare off hordes. Since the fall of the Empire and the defeat of most of the generals who tried to claim the throne we have lost all our soldiers and with no Emperor or army we had to turn the dragons." She said making her way to a chair. "Why are you so interested in them stranger, are you like the girl in black we saw weeks ago, will you try to slay our dear lord and leave us defenseless." Arthal rubbed his head and sighed. "Honestly I came seeking an object, I will bargain for it even trade if your lord has it, I have no need to fight him us he wishes to fight me." He wanted to know more about this woman in black but he had given so few answers, he figured it would best to leave before they got angry. Bowing to them and thanking them for the help her started to leave the village. Yet along the mountain and around the palace small groups of Heartless now walked in little patrols as if scouting or guarding something or someone. They would attack if someone near them otherwise they remained focused, a force here had given them orders. They had a leader and it was one who could command an astonishing amount of them all at once, perhaps a dragon or even a one of the former warlord or generals of the old Empire. Now more than ever it seemed that the dragon would have answers or at least a safe place to hide from the Heartless. After all they were drawn to the Keyblade and those who carried them needed a safe place to lay their head some nights.