Okay, finally home! Time to resolve questions. [@VitaVitaAR]: Outta curiosity... Can your character, in theory, put molten gold into a mold and generate (theoretically) infinite pure gold bars? I mean, everything else is fine, and you're basically accepted, but that kinda... Stood out. Why gold? [@Grey Star]: I think that works. Accepted. [@Great Sogeking]: Okay, had to go look Double up. This is a... VERY weird case you're giving me lol. Hrm... All things considered, I'm contemplating letting them pass as a single character if Hidari doesn't get access to Joker and Philip, Cyclone. If they're not able to transform and powerboost w/o the other, then I think I'd let it fly. [@Mr_pink]: Please no King Crimson. I don't want to go through the headache of trying to explain how it works if people don't get it right away. ;w; I... Think that's everything at hand? Anyways, here's my form to add to the mix. [hider=Satori]Name: Satori Komeiji Age: Unknown; looks to be in her mid-late teens Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1452/62caffbc4be3faaedfddae1e386e0c23fe2602b4.jpg?1521280]...Hello.[/url] World of Origin: Touhou Project Personality: Satori is a shy, introverted youkai who oft prefers to stay out of the ever-critical eye of the public. Though willing to open up more to others, the act is usually one of necessity than out of choice. She also often fails to show emotion, a byproduct of the way she grew up, and as such is quite hard to read. Furthermore, she is passive by nature; Satori will never willingly initiate a fight, instead only retaliating when necessary. Her preference towards more peaceful resolutions is difficult to achieve, however, due to how she... Creeps people out in general. She has a habit of parroting people's thoughts back at them when they annoy her, however, which... may or may not have further cemented her image of being feared and hated. Mannerisms while irritated aside, Satori is fully polite to any and all guests to her mansion... Who aren't kleptomaniacs or trying to attack her. Or both. History: Having lived in the Palace of the Earth Spirits all her life, Satori was feared and hated by the youkai who lived in Former Hell because of her abilities as a mind reader. She and her sister, Koishi, lived withing the confines of the mansion, surrounded by pets--the only creatures that would do so, simply because the two sisters were the only ones who could understand them all. Day after day, year after year passed, and eventually Koishi decided to try and escape the suffering by closing her own third eye--an action that would forever seal away her conscious mind and allow her to live life without a care in the world. Satori, on the other hand, had chosen to persevere; living alone (with her pets) in the palace, became more withdrawn from the world. No other being would come near her anyhow, which only further enforced her actions. That is, of course, until Reimu and Marisa entered the picture. These two, determined to resolve an 'incident' that originated in the underground, barged into Satori's mansion and, after causing a general ruckus (including Marisa trying to pilfer everything she saw and Reimu blowing half the place up), fought the owner of the mansion. Satori herself was defeated, and though she herself did not know the cause of the incident, directed the two to the Hell of Blazing Fires, where her pet Rin worked. The incident was resolved soon there after, and Satori was (more or less) forced to come out of her shell courtesy of the two that barged into her home in the first place. Though she still prefers to abstain from interacting with others, the incident has slowly forced Satori to interact with others and become more open. Abilities: Satori is, well, a satori; a youkai able to read the minds of others and, to a lesser extent, their memories. This ability is manifested within her 'third eye,' which is exactly as it sounds: a third eye, bound by red threads to her body. The nature of her ability, though, means that Satori is never able to [i]not[/i] hear other people's thoughts, barring any sufficiently strong mental barrier being in her way. She has since been able to tune things out (for the most part), but with enough people, the voices become akin to a cacophony in her head, endlessly blaring away. Otherwise, it's essentially just a lot of noise; unless she is alone with another person, their thoughts cannot be probed easily, if at all; picking out a single target and focusing in on that target takes a large amount of concentration and does not always succeed. Another aspect of this ability, though, is to probe into a person's memories in order to find things she may require. Such actions take a VERY long time under most circumstances, however, and in the midst of combat the most she can really do dart around and try to find whatever her opponent's had the most trouble with in the past and use it against them. As is standard for Gensokyo residents, Satori is a user of the spellcard rules and, as a result, uses danmaku to fight; she can also fly for a period of time, though she would much prefer not to, if at all. Her physical capabilities are passable otherwise, being neither weak nor strong even with how she spent her life with the palace itself. Other: Prefers black tea to green tea.[/hider] Now, before anyone freaks: This essentially means that, at worst, she can effectively see what a char's posts are IC and nothing more in that regard unless I'm given the 'OK' by a PC (if it's a PC being questioned). For fights, she'll only pull something after I ask (again, if it's a PC).