Glodin sat in the back of the room and polished his Father's hammer to a shine aa Theo spoke to the group. A young Dwarf full of piss and vinegar was eager to fight, so eager that his weapon was already drawn and flourished. Glodin finished with his hammer and re-sheathed it before standing up. He stroked his waist-length beard as he made his way to the front while Tabetha and Draxis spoke. He waited until the man finished before he bowed to Theo, the tip of his beard nearly touching the floor.[color=00a651]"Aye, Father, seems you have gathered a ragtag group here. A highly decorated officer and his squad, a templar from the capital city, a fireball, and a smithy."[/color] He turned to the rest of the group before he spoke again. [color=00a651]"I will be there to make sure everyone's armor and weapon's stay in shape and the runes stay working. I watched two good friends of mine die recently, don't make me watch all of you die as well. I will not fight unless I need to, but there is one beast I am hunting. His name is Krovah and he is a general for Sar'than and I will have his head. My name is Glodin Stonequarry, I will be your smithy."[/color]