[center] [color=39b54a][h1] Nia [/h1][/color][/center] A moment of hesitation as the Imperial ordered them around as if he was supposed to be in charge or something. Nia's tail twitched in irritation as she watched the man walk away. She didn't like to follow the orders of an Imperial she'd just met, but the man didn't seem to be stopping any time soon. Nia considered just letting the man leave on his own, but then she thought of how likely it was he would die if he went on his own. He seemed very eager to just throw his life away.. or he was just confident they would follow after him. She narrowed her eyes. [color=39b54a]"I rode here from Whiterun. I'll need to pick up my horse. So I guess i will catch up with the other Imperial."[/color] Tullius inclined his head to Nia. [color=00aeef]"Stay well, Lady Qa'va"[/color] Nia dipped her head at Tullius. [color=39b54a]"And you as well."[/color] She sauntered out of the castle, her eyes settling on the Redguard as he spoke about this being a 'crusade most glorious.' She snorted, a gentle laugh echoing from her chest. [color=39b54a]"You have a very strange way of speaking."[/color] she stated, a smirk spreading across her lips.[color=39b54a]"Very amusing if i do say so myself."[/color] As she approached the stables, she moved to where Frost was being held. Her white fur seemed to blend with his as she pressed a paw against his muzzle. The horse nickered and nudged her in the chest, before his ears pricked and pointed to the others. She gripped the creature by his reigns, leading him out of the stables with firm, steady paws. [color=39b54a]"So. Are we all going to be riding horses? Or are we going on foot? I can easily just leave Frost here if no one else has a mount."[/color]