[hider=Jessica Badoura] [center][color=violet][h1]Jasmine[/h1][/color] [img]http://fashiongoog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Ma-Yanli.jpg?fe707c[/img] [h3][i]"It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you.'" [b]-David Levithan[/b][/i][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [color=violet][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Jessica Badoura[/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Princess- the title given to her at birth, her father was the emperor of china. Now though the name is a quick way to get on her bad side. Jazz- the afectionet pet name used by her EX-husband. It is the quickest way to anger her. Also, to be safe avoid using Jess, it sounds to similar. [/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Princess Jasmine[/u][/b][/color] [indent]the Emperors daughter[/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Story of origin[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Being the emperor's daughter, Jasmine lived a very luxurious life. She enjoyed her high status, but more importantly enjoyed helping her nation better it's self in any way she could. Her life was changed however, when a handsome man came and stopped her marriage, eventually winning her over. The man was Aladdin, at first she thought he held a position of high status as well. She later found out that he was in fact a poor thief who had been thrust into a world of betrayal and adventure. The truth didn't bother her for a second. She loved him. Not his titles or possessions (or lack thereof). From then on the rest of the story more or less follows, the famous motion picture adaptation. That is however, aside from the decline from happily ever. Aladdin became greedy, but Jasmine still saw the good in him. The greed was still for the sake of the less fortunate, which is why she fought to keep her crumbling marriage together. That is until the cheating happened. It was the final straw for her. To this day she hates Aladdin for what he did, and ending their marriage. But, try as she might she can't stop loving him, or love anyone else. [/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]looks to be in her mid-twenties, however she is around 300 [/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Sexual Orientation[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual [/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Magic[/u][/b][/color] [indent]No, but has had an affinity for it ever since her adventure with her Ex-Husband[/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Job/Position[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Council Clerk (Vale)[/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Jessica is about 5ft 6. She is slender but maintains a pleasant figure. Her long wavy hair share the same dark brown color of her eyes. Her skin is flawless, and smooth all combining with her confidence to make her a very attractive woman. Jessica prefers a dress casual look outside of work, But while on the job you will see her dressed the park in her well-fitting Pants suits. You will rarely catch Jessica out in public in casual clothing, but it has happened from time to time. [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://www.thechinabox.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/14462580yohs4hh410bth82.jpg[/img] [i]"Trust is lIke a mirror. You can put it back together after its broken, but you still see the cracks "[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=violet][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Jessica's main goal in this new life is to return herself to a position of influence. While her drive and ferocity in this endeavor could lead you to think that she was a power hungry individual out for herself, she actually wants the position to be able to make a true difference for the better in the lives of her fellow Vale natives, Much in the same way as she did for her people as the Princess. Deep down Jessica is a very warm and loving person, but her past has led her to put up walls keeping everyone at arm's length. She fights a constant internal struggle within herself, she wants to feel a love like she once did, but either no one fits the bill, or the one person who does destroyed her trust. It is because of this that she has become a sort of work-oholic to keep her mind off of her pain. She even goes so far as to take evening runs, and walk along the boardwalk looking for a way to occupy her mind while she is off work. [/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Strengths[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Intelligent [*]Charismatic [*]Persuasive [/list][/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Stubborn [*] self-centered [*]Unable to trust [*]And 1 Mortal Weakness (Something that will seriously injure or kill them outright)[/list][/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Being unknown. Jasmine wants to make something of herself and feel the same since of pride as she did when she was a Princess. Oh, and not getting over Aladdin.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://www.thechinabox.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/144715l1lmrq0mbdmbcrfq2.jpg[/img] [i]"Either you are helping us move forward, or you're in the way."[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=violet][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [indent]After the adventure with the sorcerer and the genie, Jasmine and Aladdin lived quite happily for a time. That is until Aladdin decided to mess things up. It started with his greed, which Jasmine tried to understand. He grew up with nothing bUT he still didn't have enough. She could see what he was doing was with good intention, his greed steed from wanting to help others, but he went about it all wrong. Jasmine was determined to help get her husband back from this dark place, but before she could he cheated. With her trust shattered she had no choice but to devorce him. She spen't a long time cooped up dealing with her heart ache. When she finally emerged it was with one goal, to become the influential princess she once was. Which became harder than she expected because the exodus had forced her out of the vale. Luckily for her it was less than an hour before other from the vale found her and offered her a position as a local model. From there she was able to find and furnish an apartment and began learning about the new government structure. With her old goal still burning in her heart she ran and was elected as the couch clerk, and strives to rise in the world of politics. [/indent] [color=violet][b][u]L likes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Being influential [*] trying new things/ visiting new places [*] getting dressed up [*] music[/list][/indent] [color=violet][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] liars [*] spiders [*] being stagnant [*] obnoxiousness [/list][/indent] [hr][hr][center][i]"It's amazing how hard people work to go nowhere "[/i][/center][hr][hr] [/hider] Still have to do the history. I'll have it done ASAP.