[center][img]http://puu.sh/nyq2i/a06add7448.jpg[/img] [b]Yuumei Akimoto · 18 · Female Lovers[/b] [/center] [u]Appearance:[/u] Yuumei has dyed red hair that looks well with her green eyes. Her facial features, that she got from her mother, are often described as average. She usually has her hair covering her left eye, for no particular reason, really. Her normal attire consists of an unzipped checkered blue jacket and a black t-shirt underneath. She wears with jeans or shorts, depending on the weather. She wears black trainers to finish the outfit. She's also 5"6. [u]Personality:[/u] Yuumei avoids opening up to people in fear of them betraying her or judgement from them. She tries to make friends with as many people as she can, but makes sure to not have them too close to her because of her trust issues. It's also because of these that if someone wrongs her, it's very hard for her to give them a second chance. If she's not socializing or making friends, then she's either in her room studying or meditating. She's very spiritual, and follows a strict diet that, in combination with deep meditation, yoga and carious exercises, is supposed to bring you inner peace. It helps her deal with the stress of schoolwork and her relationships. [u]Background:[/u] Yuumei was born into the upper class. With her education, she held high expectations of herself, not only because of her job of choice, but because her parents were both doctors and they wanted to see her succeed. Her parents gave her an amazing teacher at home, so she could actually be able to understand the subjects. When she was twelve, her parents had to enroll her into a public school to balance out their budget. While she was in the public school, she was able to get very high grades and understand things easily, and even skipped a grade in secondary school. It was very easy for her to make friends because of her mother teaching her manners and social skills that she practiced while out for dinner with other families. However, while in 8th grade, it seemed she had trusted too easily. One of her "friends" had told the whole school about one of her secrets, in order to ruin Yuumei's reputation, which it did. It seemed that she had done the whole thing out of jealousy and spite. When Yuumei wanted to get on good terms with her again, she had said something that still sticks to her with this day. That friend was walking around with a whole new group of people that Yuumei didn't recognize, and said with a smile, "I don't even know why I was your friend in the first place." That experience gave her trust issues for the rest of her life. Somewhere along the line, she had changed her career choose from a crime scene examiner to forensic science, possibly an influence from her parents and her love of mathematics and the sciences. So, she now goes to university for an undergraduate in biology with focuses on genetics and biochemistry to specialize in DNA testing. [hider=Weapon] [center] [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5e/Yumi-p1000624.jpg/220px-Yumi-p1000624.jpg]Yumi[/url] · Pierce [/center] [/hider] [hider=Persona] [center] Danae[/center] Danae appears as a fit woman with sholder-length light brown hair. She is covered in a shiny golden robe that appears to be from a bed canopy. She holds a blue chest. Arcana: Lovers Strength: Aqua/Water Weakness: Fire History: Danae is the mother of Perseus, a famous hero. After Zeus had impregnated her, Acrisius, her father, put her and Perseus into a chest in the sea. 1. Single Shot - Does light pierce damage 2. Aqua - Does light aqua damage. 3. Dia - Slightly restores one ally's HP. 4. unlocked at first social link, upgraded at rank 6. 5. Unlocked second social link, upgraded at rank 7. 6. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone, upgraded at rank 8. 7. unlocked after having a rank 4 social link w/ someone else, upgraded at rank 9. 8. Unlocked after rank 5 social link w someone, upgraded at rank 10. ( First three skills will upgrade as the story progresses. GM will notify when power ups occur. ) [/hider] Social Link Rankings. [list] [*] [b]Fortune[/b] / Charon · Rank 1 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [*] Arcana / Character Name · Rank 1-10 [/list]