Marco couldn't help but grin during Evelyn's speech, when she mentioned stepping down for a proper leader to be chosen he imagined she'd just be elected right back into the position, it was fine though, in his opinion it suited her, he thought she'd make a good leader. though now he was in the barracks, at Theodore's request, listening to the dwarven watcher as he told them of a mission to reclaim a fortress taken by undead. Other's were already volunteering first, Marco took a look at them: nearly all the dwarves in their company, A knight-sergeant, Karl, the court wizard, and a knight-lieutenant by the name of Fenros, the latter having addressed Karl's announcement soon after his entry. he looked at Karl as well [color=00aeef]"I agree with the knight-lieutenant, if you don't want to be seen as a liability, don't make yourself one"[/color] He then turned to Theo [color=00aeef]"I'll come along on this mission of yours as well"[/color] He stood at attention and brought a fist up to his chest for a moment as a salute before heading out to take care of some preparations before their departure tomorrow.