[center][h3]Corporate War Zone - F1 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The shadow soldiers were made short work of by the party, but that didn't seem to be the concern for these enemies. Even though they were taken down relatively quickly, their guns were also pretty painful, almost like real guns, so that required the party to take cover if there were soldiers present. Still, they were taken down quickly. Ayano upon having scanned them, suddenly got information on the location of the rest of them, and it didn't look good. Displayed by her Persona, she was looking at a map of the whole dungeon, and the indicators she picked up which were these shadow soldiers seemed to start swarming in. The map showed that there was a way out, and it was up ahead. No matter how strong or how quickly the party might take these shadows down, there were just too many of them, plus there didn't seem to be an end. The only option was to go on ahead, and fast. Though this knowledge was not yet known to the party, Ayano needed to let everyone know. [center][h3]Play of Control - F1 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The attacks from behind were working, but it was only the beginning, as the shadow was merely protected by the armor. Once the armor was off, the shadows moved faster, though they seemed to not be able to take much damage at all. As the unarmored shadows backed out in an attempt to run, the other shadows jumped in to cover their allies escape. Swiftly, Kazuki jumped over them with his Persona, and rained lightning on one of them, before landing into position to strike the other one. His move was guaranteed to take them down, but it put him in a bad spot, on the other hand, he was also now in position to strip the armor off of the other two that charged in early. The one he tried to take down after hitting the first one with Zionga was now out of range, sighing out of annoyance he simply turned and slashed away the armor of the two behind him, exposing them for the party to take down.