[h3]Wolfram Mord | Mountain Glenn - Afternoon > Nightfall[/h3] [i]"Huh? Is that a crow...? What's a crow doing inside...?"[/i], the soldier's attention was diverted, but watching the crow make eye contact with him was the last thing he saw that night, as he felt a seeping ice dust take into his body and put it into a kind of hibernation. Falling to the floor with a thud standing behind him was Wolfram. [color=purple]"With a bit of rest and a warm bed, he'll be up again in no time... Now then"[/color], he turned to the person strapped to the chair. He finally found his rescue target, he didn't want to question people, he didn't want to give the impression someone was here after all, so it took him a little longer, but he had all the tools he needed anyways. [color=purple]"Now, I hope you're cooperative, any minute now and the soldiers will realize it's just crows buzzing up the roof sensors"[/color], he said as he picked the person up. They were restrained, plus blindfolded and so on. His job wasn't to identify this guy or anything, so he didn't care to undo most of the restraints, just whatever kept them to the chair. He managed to carry them out, strategic diversions with his crows, and a few needles for neutralization... Well, wasn't actually necessary, on his way in he cleared a route for himself. Soon as he stepped out of the doors though, he could hear that the soldiers were now returning to their original posts, through a comms that he stole... Perfect timing. By the time they returned to their posts, he was a ways into the woods, and mission accomplished. [color=purple]"Hmmmm... I wonder how I report this again... Let's see..."[/color], with the rescue target just leaned up against the tree he tried to figure out the settings, then soon enough he managed to hit it. [color=purple]"Oh there we go"[/color].