The city was no stranger to Malkai. The Desert, on the other hand, wasn't something he was prepared for. While he packed the necessities like food supplies and a caravan service, he thought that perhaps putting on clothing would help protect him from sun burns. But his choice of attire was practically roasting him alive, and he was forced to strip down to his bare essentials. He would have gone entirely nude if the caravan master insisted he maintain some modesty. Malkai obliged, wearing nothing but his loincloth, leaning his hide armor draped over his shoulder to provide shade during the day, and warmth at night. Flying in the skies, but also occasionally resting on Malkai's head, was his falcon "Falchion", who's eyes and wit were as keen as the blade he's named after. Falchion was much larger than most falcons of it's type, nearly as big as a halfling (which is quite big for a bird). Malkai and Falchion had a natural bond towards each other, or at least a partnership. Falchion would be Malkai's eyes in the sky, while Malkai would ensure Falchion's safety and health. They seemed to be an odd pair to outsiders, but regardless the two are staunch allies. As Falchion flew about, he would occasionally stop by to tell Malkai of his findings, typically things like enemies in the distance or possible ruins to explore later. Malkai would use this information to barter with the caravan master, and information like possible ambush locations have saved the caravan more than once. Though sometimes Malkai purpose stayed quiet so he could fight; he didn't like being bored. Eventually the caravan reached the city of Saphire. This was Malkai's final destination with the caravan, as they only intended to stop by the city for a short rest. Here Malkai would seek his fortune and glory. With Falchion perched on his head, the orcish warrior moved into the crowds, disguising his true identity using magic. His skin became darker, hiding it's green pigment, and his mask ensured that no one could see his face or ears. Even if they saw his face underneath, they would see that he has quite human features. Though his tattoos were certainly tribal, they were much more complex than the sort of designs orcs would use, almost elvish in design really. His dress and overall demeanor certainly screamed "Barbarian" however, the bird aside. The first place Malkai stopped to look at was the tavern. There was always jobs to be done there. Leaving Falchion to hunt outside, Malkai entered the establishment and was met with only a few stares. While certainly an outsider, outsiders weren't a strange thing in these lands, so no one aside from those curious about his origins bothered to notice him. Moving over to the notice board Malkai sought out any quests to slay great beasts or to topple a powerful band of raiders. However there were no such quests at the time; most of it was guard duties for caravans or excavation groups. Malkai was not a bodyguard; he would not sell his blade merely to protect peasants and merchants. He kept looking for better quests but the only quests he could find was one from the mage guild. Malkai has met with a few mages from the guild, most who had the decency to respect his druidic ways and his half-orc heritage, though those types were odd ones who also wanted to do things like commune with zombies or fuse plants together. Fools with more intelligence than they had insight. The mage guild wanted a group of adventurers to find a silver chalice for them. Treasure hunts weren't really Malkai's preference, but it certainly beat guard duty. With any luck he might be able to take the silver chalice for himself, if he can figure out it's properties. Surely the adventure to obtain the chalice would be worthy of his time at least. Looking for the representative nearby, Malkai noticed two comely women also waiting at the table, along with an old man. Malkai assumed the old man was the representative and the two women possible adventurers. This would be... Very interesting. Malkai approached, his form hard to miss, and made himself known. [color=00a651]"You are the representative of the Mage Guild?"[/color]