Name: Xaver Franck Age: 25 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance:] [/hider] Allegiance: The Karashian Federation's Official Exploration Team. The Karashian Team: Xaver is the commander of the 50 man exploration team that was sent by King Yulian of the Federation to explore, and claim land to the north of the nation. The Karashian Federation: The nation started out as a group of tribal monarchies all together in the region north of the Lurish Empire. A man by the name of Valéry Gaultier was the one who finally united all of the tribes, though his method was warfare, the tribes accepted their overlord as he brought unity to them all. He ruled as an extreme dictator for 20 years before the Great War. The tribes men saw the Lurish Empire just south of them growing with intense speed and called for reformation, and modernization. Valéry dispelled the council and told them that the Lurish would fall to them as did another Nation north of them who threatened their power. Some were fooled by the naiveness of their leader, but many demanded change, to keep up. The "Great War" broke out with up to 85% of the population joining the rebels and uprose against Valéry. The war lasted 5 years, the King had his Royal Guard who were trained since they were kids and some of the normal military protecting him. 100,000 milita forces were killed to 3,500 of Valéry's men. Eventually the rebel forces sieged the capital, it took a 2 year siege for Valéry to surrender. With the economy in shambles, the rebel leaders established an elective monarchy. The newly elected King, Yulian, established many policies to encourage economic growth. He knew that he needed more land for his people to really grow. 5 years after his election, Yulian created the exporation group, the group consisted of 20 scientists and 30 royal guard. To lead them he sent one of his battlefield tacticians named Xaver. Personality: Xaver is a tactical genius for his time. In his time fighting in the Great War, he was a regiment commander and his commander's right hand man. They lead a successful night assault against the loyalist military in the first victory of the war for the rebels. Xaver came up with the plan of attack and his commander called it brilliant. Xaver sees the world as a map, and he breaks apart situations into battle plans. He is very observant and cautious, but with this he is slower paced then many like. Background: Xaver grew up in one of the southern tribes of the Karashian Federation. When the tribes were combined his father sent him to become Royal Guard. He trained for a few years before the Great War. When the rebels uprose, Xaver left the guard and joined the rebels. He joined Yulian's forces and fought in many of the battles. With Xaver's knowledge of guard tactics and his born ability to lead, he lead the first division into battle and to victory. He was offered after the war to lead an exploration team into the deep forest. He accepted graciously and is hoping to find great adventure in expanding his King's empire.