[@Bryn] Yomi knock on the door where Tora was but she was not there she bet she in the Student Council room. so she walk as fast as she can about what she found. she thinking too much that she bump into a another student, the student fell down. [color=ed1c24]"oh sorry I didn't know where I was going I-"[/color] she stop talking when she recognize the green hair any where it was [url=https://farm1.static.flickr.com/417/20293836210_0ddeea6539_b.jpg]Chihiro Kazuna[/url] the science club captain but she only member in her club [color=598527]"Yomi Masako it unlike you to be in a rush, you usually sleep and not give two crap what everyone else say...."[/color] she say in her bored voice [color=ed1c24]"um....yeah but i'm really busy so if you don't mind"[/color] she walk from the crazy science lady.