I was born ready. [hider=Character in here] [center][h1]ANAT[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/N9wA6tr.jpg[/img] [i]My Hippocratic oath? To keep my a comrades alive. Be it healing them or killing you. [b]-Anat.[/b][/i][/center] [hider=Anat] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Anat Tauret[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent]Ant (your all welcome to come up with your own ones for her if you like.) [/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent] 30[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][u]Homeworld[/u][/b] [indent]Fuso[/indent] [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] [indent] Specialist/Corporal[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Field Medic[/indent] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [indent] [hider= Anat][img]https://images7.alphacoders.com/289/289750.jpg[/img] [/hider] Anat stands around 6'1ft (185.9 cm). Anat has painted a big red crude + on the back of her armor and a smaller red + the front of her armor on the the left side of the chest plate. She as a tattoo on her upper left arm with 2 crossed swords under a helmet with word 96th KNIGHT under it. [/indent] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [list] [*] 1x Type 108 Automatic Carbine [*] 1x M3P-4 10mm Pistol [*] 1x Type-0 Warblade (the word knight is engraved into the handle) [*] 1x MXR Drone (the word Sparks is painted on it along with small red plus) [*] 1x Field Hospital Medical Kit [/list] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent]Once a nice friendly girl hardened by nearly a decade of military service. Anat tends to keep her true emotions and thoughts to herself unless she dealing with someone she trusts. Never really getting close, saying a lot without saying whats really on her mind. This is simply down to the fact as someone who has fought in battle she has seen people she calls friends die. Something in the past has really bothered her, so tends to keep people emotionally distant. Being someones friend without being a friend. Until someone proves they know how not to die at least for a fight or two. Is when she really starts thinking about trusting someone beyond being a fellow solider. Once Anat calls someone a friends she calls them that for life and will share her feelings and thoughts openly if asked or if she thinks it needed. Once a friend the only what to make Anat hate you is to break her trust something not easily done once gained. She is not a person who likes taking charge that often although she is skilled enough of a solider and fought enough battles she could lead a squad if she wanted to. But she as no interest in doing so she is left with no other choice. She prefers taking orders rather then giving them. Although carefree and cheery like many Fusans Anat as quite a nasty temper on her. While not overly short she as habit of snapping at people that do something to her she doesn't like. When Anat gets pissed off at something her first reaction is the urge to punch what ever as pissed her off. If she can't do that she'll abuse it verbally if that's not possible she'll starts muttering away to herself for a little bit before claiming down. On the battle field Anat like many Fusans level headed and clam, even in the most dire of situations. The only time things start to bother her is if she someone she was trying to treat dies on her. It is the once thing she can't stand and bothers her deeply even if logically she can't save everyone she treats. When it comes to treating people Anat as always been told she as little in a beside manner and has threatened to kill her charges more then once if they complain about pain. Not that she would this is merely an empty threat to make them shut up and only dose it if simply telling them to shut it doesn't work. When treating someone a more gentle side of Anat comes out as she will her best not to hurt her charges. Outside of medical use that gentle side is kept buried for all but inmate moments, when she is by her lonesome or a really close friend. Anat is fairly social but likes to have her alone time. Where she can partake in one of her hobbies or lose herself in some novel. She is analytical thinker and loves to play devils advocate. At times a more promiscuous side of her shows itself. She also as a strong scenes of pride when it comes to her medical skills and knowledge. [/indent] [b][u]Traits[/u][/b] [list] [*] Detailed Medical Knowledge [*] Hates 95% of Terran's (She'd shoot them if they where not bothers and sister in arms.) [*] Great at sewing and drawing. ( her down time hobbies) [*] Left Handed [*] Highly skilled at melee combat and loves it. (If she wasn't a field medic she would specialize in it.) [*] Over prospective of her Drone. (Don't touch it. No really don't touch her drone.) [*] HATES colour purple. [*] Afraid of the dark. [*] Talks to herself, often on what she is currently thing about. Sometimes argues with herself when trying to deiced on something. [*] Is not a fan of those form Khorenheim. (The sticks up those guys butts have sticks up there butts.) [*] Loves reading. [*] Starts getting bored when she stuck doing the same thing day in day out. [/list] [b][u]History[/u][/b] [indent] Born on the world Fuso in the heart of its capital city Anat lead a good childhood and rarely wanted for anything her parents easily provided for her. Born to a pair of doctors Anat spent a lot of her young childhood in the hospital where her parents worked. Watching them work as much as she was allowed finding what they did most interesting. Unaware that this interest would grow in to passion and later a her going off to get her qualification as a doctor. Beside that Anat had a fairly normal childhood her only complaint she spent to much time in hospitals which as a kid she found rather dull but as she grew older and started to love medicine learned to appreciate it. Getting to learn form the doctors when it didn't interfere with their duties. By the time she was old enough to be left on her own Anat kept coming of her own free will. Having begun the basics of medicine in her free time under the hospitals doctors. Reading medical texts simply because she found it fun. By the time she had finished her schooling and was ready for higher education Anat already knew what she wanted to do and made sure to do everything to get in to medicine. Her hard work paying off end completing her education in the field of medicine. She then found herself working in a small medical clinic which at first was fun. But after a year she grew weary of treating people with basic illnesses and or minor injures finding the life to static too repetitive. Still wanting to practices medicine while making life a little more interesting she ended up joining the military. How she came to joining the military she can't recall but she dose know started as a night on the town and ended in drunken brawl with a military officer that she apparently held her own in. The night ended up her apparently signing up but Anat doesn't remember. Given she couldn't quit once signed up Anat decided to see where Military life would take her, know they always needed a doctors and field medics. After several months of basic training Anat grew to enjoy the idea of fighting while trying to patching someone up, knowing these people would actually appreciate her work. So the moment she completed basic training and was allowed to apply for extra training specializing as field medic she jumped at the chance. After a little more training she was recognized as a field medic and assigned to a 8th Fusan Regiment and placed in the 96th division called the Fusan Knights for their skill in melee combat. (I'm not good with how military units are broken down so correct me if I'm wrong.) The first week in her new unit was difficult with other solider picking on the new member in a playful teasing way. But after several week and a set of training drills interplanetary training drills High Terran unit they grew to like Anat and she earned the nick name Ant for reasons she can not fathom. Not long the drills her unit was deploy to world near Fuso that it got into a small war with. The war was mostly skirmish's, over couple of months several larger battles did break out and Anat's unit was right in the middle of it. Her first major battle Anat as forgotten but she recalls the fear and adrenaline everything happening so fast she had just followed orders and somehow pulled though. It was the third larger battle did Anat save the life of her commanding officer who had gotten himself badly injured. How exactly she doesn't recall but she apparently she made an impression as she was given a drone. After year the Union decided to step in end the conflict it ending peacefully for the most part. For a time Anat was sent home for some R and R. During that time she heard of what happened Ennedi and soon after the call for volunteer for a new unit being formed to go though the gate. Finding the idea bizarre and she wanted to see for herself so volunteered. [/indent] [/hider] [/hider]