[b][u]Market District[/u][/b] [color=39b54a]“What? A kancho is completely harmless!”[/color] Hiroshi knew that was a lie, having been the victim of a few when he was younger. But! Those experiences only helped him to realize its… absurdly disgusting power. Hiroshi [i]probably[/i] isn’t gonna revisit this attack any time soon if he can help it. But for now, he just relished in seeing the two goons flee and laughed at their fear. They eventually managed to escape his range, but he just left his weapons spinning on the edge to taunt them further. [color=39b54a]“HAH-hahah! [i]HAH[/i]-haha-hahah! HAH- No wait, what are you-”[/color] Hiroshi’s joy was cut short when he saw the goons just [i]uproot[/i] a tree straight from the ground. The ball and yo-yo fell to the ground with a clatter and he went white with fear at the sight. Oh how the turntables have turned… table? This is why you don’t gloat! Karma comes back at you! If not eventually, then immediately! As the goons bounded back for him, Hiroshi’s first instinct was to RUN THE HECK AWAY FROM THEM. [color=39b54a][i]“AAAAAAAAAAAAA-“[/i][/color] he screamed. [color=HotPink]“I’ll save you friend!~♥”[/color] A savior?! No… The B-Rank! The B-Rank would save him from this mess for sure! He didn’t even care that he preemptively called him a friend. So long as he bailed him out, [i]he was definitely his frie—[/i] …The trees. …The trees are now on fire. …There are now burly men with flaming tree clubs chasing him. Hiroshi merely smiled and shook his head as he felt the world slow around him. [i]“Ah… This is my life isn’t it…?”[/i] He chuckled to himself and im[i]mediately[/i] broke back into a scream as he sprinted even [i]harder[/i] away from the two. [color=39b54a][i][b]”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!”[/b][/i][/color]