[hider=Sergeant Tauret ] [center][h1] ANAT[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/N9wA6tr.jpg[/img] [i]My Hippocratic oath? To keep my a comrades alive. Be it healing them or killing you. [b]-Anat.[/b][/i][/center] [hider=Anat] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Anat Tauret[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent]Ant (your all welcome to come up with your own ones for her if you like.) [/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent] 30[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][u]Homeworld[/u][/b] [indent]Fuso[/indent] [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] [indent] Sergeant[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Field Medic[/indent] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [indent] [hider= Anat][img]https://images7.alphacoders.com/289/289750.jpg[/img] [/hider] Anat stands around 6'1ft (185.9 cm). Anat has painted a big red crude + on the back of her armor and a smaller red + the front of her armor on the the left side of the chest plate. She as a tattoo on her upper left arm with 2 crossed swords under a helmet with word 96th KNIGHT under it. [/indent] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [list] [*] 1x Type 108 Automatic Carbine [*] 1x M3P-4 10mm Pistol [*] 1x Type-0 Warblade (the word knight is engraved into the handle) [*] 1x MXR Drone (the word Sparks is painted on it along with small red plus) [*] 1x Field Hospital Medical Kit [/list] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent]Once a nice friendly girl hardened by nearly a decade of military service. Anat tends to keep her true emotions and thoughts to herself unless she dealing with someone she trusts. Never really getting close, saying a lot without saying whats really on her mind. This is simply down to the fact as someone who has fought in battle she has seen people she calls friends die. Something in the past has really bothered her, so tends to keep people emotionally distant. Being someones friend without being a friend. Until someone proves they know how not to die at least for a fight or two. Is when she really starts thinking about trusting someone beyond being a fellow solider. Once Anat calls someone a friends she calls them that for life and will share her feelings and thoughts openly if asked or if she thinks it needed. Once a friend the only what to make Anat hate you is to break her trust something not easily done once gained. She is not a person who likes taking charge that often although she is skilled enough of a solider and fought enough battles she could lead a squad if she wanted to. But she as no interest in doing so she is left with no other choice. She prefers taking orders rather then giving them. Although carefree and cheery like many Fusans Anat as quite a nasty temper on her. While not overly short she as habit of snapping at people that do something to her she doesn't like. When Anat gets pissed off at something her first reaction is the urge to punch what ever as pissed her off. If she can't do that she'll abuse it verbally if that's not possible she'll starts muttering away to herself for a little bit before claiming down. On the battle field Anat like many Fusans level headed and clam, even in the most dire of situations. The only time things start to bother her is if she someone she was trying to treat dies on her. It is the once thing she can't stand and bothers her deeply even if logically she can't save everyone she treats. When it comes to treating people Anat as always been told she as little in a beside manner and has threatened to kill her charges more then once if they complain about pain. Not that she would this is merely an empty threat to make them shut up and only dose it if simply telling them to shut it doesn't work. When treating someone a more gentle side of Anat comes out as she will her best not to hurt her charges. Outside of medical use that gentle side is kept buried for all but inmate moments, when she is by her lonesome or a really close friend. Anat is fairly social but likes to have her alone time. Where she can partake in one of her hobbies or lose herself in some novel. She is analytical thinker and loves to play devils advocate. At times a more promiscuous side of her shows itself. She also as a strong scenes of pride when it comes to her medical skills and knowledge. [/indent] [b][u]Traits[/u][/b] [list] [*] Detailed Medical Knowledge [*] Hates 95% of Terran's (She'd shoot them if they where not bothers and sister in arms.) [*] Great at sewing and drawing. ( her down time hobbies) [*] Left Handed [*] Highly skilled at melee combat and loves it. (If she wasn't a field medic she would specialize in it.) [*] Over prospective of her Drone. (Don't touch it. No really don't touch her drone.) [*] HATES colour purple. [*] Afraid of the dark. [*] Talks to herself, often on what she is currently thing about. Sometimes argues with herself when trying to deiced on something. [*] Is not a fan of those form Khorenheim. (The sticks up those guys butts have sticks up there butts.) [*] Loves reading. [*] Starts getting bored when she stuck doing the same thing day in day out. [/list] [b][u]History[/u][/b] [indent] Born on the world Fuso in the heart of its capital city Anat lead a good childhood and rarely wanted for anything her parents easily provided for her. Born to a pair of doctors Anat spent a lot of her young childhood in the hospital where her parents worked. Watching them work as much as she was allowed finding what they did most interesting. Unaware that this interest would grow in to passion and later a her going off to get her qualification as a doctor. Beside that Anat had a fairly normal childhood her only complaint she spent to much time in hospitals which as a kid she found rather dull but as she grew older and started to love medicine learned to appreciate it. Getting to learn form the doctors when it didn't interfere with their duties. By the time she was old enough to be left on her own Anat kept coming of her own free will. Having begun the basics of medicine in her free time under the hospitals doctors. Reading medical texts simply because she found it fun. By the time she had finished her schooling and was ready for higher education Anat already knew what she wanted to do and made sure to do everything to get in to medicine. Her hard work paying off end completing her education in the field of medicine. She then found herself working in a small medical clinic which at first was fun. But after a year she grew weary of treating people with basic illnesses and or minor injures finding the life to static too repetitive. Still wanting to practices medicine while making life a little more interesting she ended up joining the military. How she came to joining the military she can't recall but she dose know started as a night on the town and ended in drunken brawl with a military officer that she apparently held her own in. The night ended up her apparently signing up but Anat doesn't remember. Given she couldn't quit once signed up Anat decided to see where Military life would take her, know they always needed a doctors and field medics. After several months of basic training Anat grew to enjoy the idea of fighting while trying to patching someone up, knowing these people would actually appreciate her work. So the moment she completed basic training and was allowed to apply for extra training specializing as field medic she jumped at the chance. After a little more training she was recognized as a field medic and assigned to a 8th Fusan Regiment and placed in the 96th division called the Fusan Knights for their skill in melee combat. (I'm not good with how military units are broken down so correct me if I'm wrong.) The first week in her new unit was difficult with other solider picking on the new member in a playful teasing way. But after several week and a set of training drills interplanetary training drills High Terran unit they grew to like Anat and she earned the nick name Ant for reasons she can not fathom. Not long the drills her unit was deploy to world near Fuso that it got into a small war with. The war was mostly skirmish's, over couple of months several larger battles did break out and Anat's unit was right in the middle of it. Her first major battle Anat as forgotten but she recalls the fear and adrenaline everything happening so fast she had just followed orders and somehow pulled though. It was the third larger battle did Anat save the life of her commanding officer who had gotten himself badly injured. How exactly she doesn't recall but she apparently she made an impression as she was given a drone. After year the Union decided to step in end the conflict it ending peacefully for the most part. For a time Anat was sent home for some R and R. During that time she heard of what happened Ennedi and soon after the call for volunteer for a new unit being formed to go though the gate. Finding the idea bizarre and she wanted to see for herself so volunteered. [/indent] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Undeadly goodness] [center][h1]Nikolas Maxwell[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SuzFriW.jpg[/img] [i] Never upset a god, you may end paying for it for a long time. If not you but someone you love. [b]-Nikolas[/b][/i][/center] [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Nikolas Maxwell[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent]Maxwell (open to suggestions)[/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent]Exact age Unknown but over 350 [/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][u]Race[/u][/b] [indent]Formally Human[/indent] [b][u]Kingdom[/u][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [indent]Nikolas tends to keep himself covered at all times. Wearing his armour as much a possible when around others. If he has to take it off he will wear whatever will cover his flesh and eyes. In the terms of headgear he wears hoods and anything that covers his face with whatever he can get his hands on. When he is around those who don't know what he is. When his around people who know what he is and don't mind. Nikolas doesn't cover up so much and at time can be seen shirtless.[/indent] [hider=Reference] [img]https://marcroyston.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/undead-knight-3.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [list] [*][hider=Sword of Light] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/86/29/56/862956682570ebea76ee0039b80bae6b.jpg[/img] An ancient blade that Nikolas as carried with him for so long he wouldn't know what to do if he lost it. A blade forged with long for gotten methods and enchanted with magic allowing it to remain as strong and sharp as the day it was made. While no sharper then a normal sword this blade doesn't lose it edge as it is used and is more effect against the undead. If unsheathed in a dark area the blade glows a sickly green colour when in Nikolas's hands. When in the hands of the living the sword glows bright white. [/hider] [*][hider=Phylactery] The item the houses Nikolas soul. Unlike a normal phylactery this one can only be destroyed with high level magic form the book of blessing. It can be broken which for a time will render Nikolas decayed body mindless for a time. But unless destroyed by high level magic form the book of blessing it will reform after an hour or two. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4a/9e/6f/4a9e6f641135e0f8a7b9aadfe55862b8.jpg[/img] Like this but glows a light blue. [/hider] [*][hider=Steel Armour] Your basic run of the mill steel armour with no form of magic. Crafted for Nikolas by a master blacksmith at great cost who is aware of his condition. The armour is very well made and fairly durable. The armour is quite heavy and slows Nikolas's movements a little but provides good protection against blades and arrows. The armour was custom made for Nikolas so is fitted for him and made in the style of his armour while he was alive making it unique. [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvqr1rGMgT1qzkrfxo2_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/list] [b][u]Magic[/u][/b] [indent]None[/indent] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent]Nikolas is an understanding individual and tries not to judge people by there looks and hates when people they do. Being undead he is a little wary of the living and tries to stay out of the middle of large crowds unless necessary. Also because of his undead nature he dislikes talking about himself and when he dose tend to outright lie or tell tails back form when he was alive. Although he lies about himself Nikolas is not a very good liar, but it never stops him form trying as it better then telling someone the truth. For those who become aware of his true nature and don't try to destroy him Nikolas often make the effort to become friends with. If he manages that he become very open about some of his life and will help out those he calls friend. He is also willing to give advice to those he calls a friends, although it may not always be the best advice. Over all Nikolas is a very clam person rarely letting his emotions get the better of him, well aware what might happen if he dose. He is the type who doesn't back down form a challenge when one is presented to him normally trying the direct approach when trying solve a problem. If that fails Nikolas will simply keep trying until he come up with another solution or until it direct approach works. At time Nikolas feels the urge to consume the flesh of the living, although he is unsure why this urge is very powerful and difficult to control. When dealing with this he drives everyone around him away and tries to be alone or spend time with his own kind. On rare occasions he can become a mindless almost like his soul is trying to leave the realm of the living but can't. During these times Nikolas's body can and often dose become aggressive attacking any living thing near him. Turning on friend and foe alike. While aware of the issue Nikolas can't do anything to stop it, but is aware when the everything starts to fell distance he need to get away form everyone and lock himself away. [/indent] [b][u]Traits[/u][/b] [list] [*] Being undead is vulnerable to the book of blessing. [*] Doesn't need to eat, sleep, drink or breath. (benefits of being dead) [*] Doesn't get tired. [*] As no sense of touch or taste. (This took a while to get used to) [*] Can talk to other undead. [*] Likes being in crypts and graveyards. (his home away form home) [*] Immune to poison. [*] his right knee tends to crick when he walks and its cold. (old bones don't like walking in the cold) [*] Loves drinking as oddly enough he can get drunk for some reason. (Magic is a funny thing no) [*] Master Swordsman (you live for over 100 years and try not master at least one weapon) [/list] [hider=History] [indent] A great hero in life Nikolas was once a soldier for hire famed for being one of the best able to best any beast in the land. This however is in an Era all but forgotten Nikolas exploits no longer remembered by the living. But in life he was a man to behold and man who was willing to fight for anyone who could afford his price. Gold and glory where what this man lived for and both he had. It wasn't until he was sent to kill a necromancer that had taken up residence near a small village and the locals where scared of what the magic user might do to them. The villagers some how managed to pay his price. So Nikolas set of on a hunt to slay the necromancer. What little did he know, the job would be one he would never complete until much later. Over the course of many months on his hunt of this necromancer and several encounters with his pray he eventually fell for for his target. Over another several months the two somehow got close and fell in love. Nikolas kept "hunting" the Necromancer only to keep spending time with her. But despite there feelings they still fought trying to kill each other. Nikolas cutting down many of her undead to reach her only to...*cough* This lasted for several years until Nikolas fell extremely ill and died before anything could be done to help him. But despite that he died a happy man. Leaving everything to his love. Upset over the lose of her lover and refusing to let him go. The necromancer who Nikolas had called Nena out of affection stole his body form his family crypt and burnt it to the ground roughly a month his death. Form there Nena used her magic to preserve his body as she began to work on ways to bring her lover back. Knowing she could easily bring him back as a mindless zombie under her control. But that wasn't what she wanted. Nena wanted to bring Nikolas back with his mind intact with a physical body completely free form control. But such power was beyond her and so she began to research and experiment taking many lives and souls caring little for who they belonged to. Sadly for Nena not matter how hard she tried she could never develop a spell to bring her lover back, each failure pushing Nena into madness and after several months Nena had all but lost her mind. Driven solely by her original goal Her actions though didn't go unnoticed and the god of death began to grow annoyed with the necromancer who constantly was perverting the rules of life and death. For a time the god had let her actions slide knowing one day she would die, but her research and experimentation bore some fruit as she made herself a lich and in unlife continued her never ending research. Having become madly obsessed with her goal. Now furious with the necromancer and wanting to stop Nena the god of death sent their incarnate to deal with situation. The incarnate deciding to bring Nena long dead love back to life this his mind completely intact hoping that would quell the necromancer. However what happened next the incarnate never could have predicted. Not long after being brought back Nikolas had saw what Nena become. Sad to see his love fall so low he stuck her down by smashing her phylactery. An act the ended his loves unlife. But as her soul started to slip into the after life. The god of deaths incarnate appeared, quite surprised by the situation. The god of death wanted Nena soul to punish her for perverting the rules of life and death. Not wanting his love to punished Nikolas begged the god of death to let Nena pass into the after life. In exchange he would walk the in the world of the living helping those in need it until he had paided the price for the lives and souls Nena had taken and whatever else the god thought was necessary. For whatever reason the god of death accepted the deal and to insure Nikolas would fulfil his end of the deal the gods incarnate preserve his body with powerful magic so it would not further decay but could not be reintegrated. The incarnate placed then Nioklas's soul inside a phylactery. A phylactery that was nearly indestructible, so only those gifted in the book of blessing stood a chance at destroying it. So Nikolas began his quest to help living, but trying to help the living is hard when your a corpse. Despite Nikolas best efforts anyone alive that meet him and became aware of his nature became afraid of him. Although Nikolas dose his best to be understanding about it. At times he finds at time all he wants to do is consume their tasty flesh. But even so he will not rest until he has paid of he loves debt and is allowed to join her in the afterlife. So in unlife he works as a soldier for hire once again using the money he makes to maintain a carefully crafted persona and help those in need. Hoping that one day the god of death will allow him to die and rejoin his love in the afterlife. [s]NOTE: Nena is somehow the god of death. DO NOT FORGET THIS.[/s] [/indent] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Elizabeth] [hr] NPC [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Elizabeth Laryn [/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent] Liz, Specter [/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent]29[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Scout[/indent] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/328a/th/pre/i/2012/292/6/a/female_sniper_class_by_retroafro1-d5ibf9x.png[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent]Driven by her duty to serve the Union. Liz dose whatever she is ordered to the best of her abilities. She is completely loyal to the union and a devout to the church of Terra. Liz is not afraid to sacrifice herself in to fulfill her duty. In personal situation Liz is a loner sticking to herself and contently minding her own business. When she dose interacting with someone she come of as warm and friendly but very awkward almost like she as not interacted with people before. Around her superiors she is very serious. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Natasha] [hr] NPC [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Natasha Korshunov [/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent]Dozer[/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent]39[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Ambassadorial Bodyguard [/indent] [hider=Appearance] [indent][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/57a3/i/2014/240/7/a/cyberpunk_girl_by_ayyasap-d7wzopf.jpg[/img][/indent][/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent]A woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to take it. Natasha is a loud mouth the simply ooze's confidence and rightly so. This woman as fought more battles in internal union wars then some would in there life time. She is loyal to the union and ambassador Muhfeld and in a rough way caring of others she respects. Just don't piss her off, Natasha is lethal with her fist's and even more so with her twin custom made fisto's and she not afraid to use them. Also Nastasha is the type just doesn't know when to give up and would rather take a roll of the dice then play it safe. Although she may not look or act it she has a genius level intellect. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Moskvin] [hr] NPC [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent] Moskvin Korshunov[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent] Daka, Mos[/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent] 26[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Heavy weapon/ Demo specialist Ambassadorial Bodyguard[/indent] [hider=Appearance] [indent][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/ab5b/f/2010/255/6/a/contact___power_armor_minigun_by_shimmering_sword-d2yjzsr.jpg[/img][/indent][/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent] At first glance he's dumber then a box of hammers. Due to his simple way of speaking an understanding. But what Moskvin lacks in books smarts he makes up for it in his sheer stubbornness and knowledge of things that go Kaboom and heavy weapons. He is the right hand of a Ambassador Muhlfeld when he wants someone day completely and utterly fucked. He is completely loyal to Ambassador Muhfeld and would die to protect him. Anyone else can get fucked in fact he'd climb over the bodies of fall comrades or simple shove them out of the way at chance to fill enemies with enough lead to call someone a pencil. Moskvin as a very short temper and tends to hit things that upset him. He tends to get into a lot of fight with his sister but deep down he loves her to bits. Although he may not look it Moskvin is talented painter and loves animals. For some reason he never shows his face around others.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Jurgen] [hr] NPC [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Jurgen Muhfeld[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent] None [/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent] 65[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent] Male[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Ambassador [/indent] [hider=Appearance] [indent][img]http://www.shawawa.com/art/ambassador.jpg[/img][/indent][/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent] Claim and always well spoken. Jurgen at first glance is the very embodiment of the best refinement the Union has to offer. Truth be told he is man that always tries to get his way and is used to it. He is a man of a short temper along with some childish tendency's. He is a man of great influence in parts of union and he's not afraid to throw the weight of his influence around to get his own way. He's not a fan of violence and prefers it not be used around him. Truth be told he just worried he'd have to get his hands dirty instead of someone else. Deep down though he truly thinks peace if the way forward. He as a liking for the Korshunov siblings and used his leverage to get them assigned to him as bodyguards and the two have been working with him proudly for some time. He has used every favor he was owed to get him assigned to the 1st recon as an attachment wanting to one of the first to try negotiate with who ever dwell on the other side of the portal. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Brain] [hr] NPC [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [indent]Brain Corvus[/indent] [b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b] [indent]Crow[/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent] 39[/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [indent]Quartermaster[/indent] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/f02f/th/pre/f/2015/105/b/3/smuggler_concept_by_rob_joseph-d8pv1qn.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent]A sly and cunning man who seems to appear in odd places. He is the type who always seem to acquire things and has no issue with selling said things for a "fair" price. Brain is very charismatic and is very good at prying information out of people with only a few words. People also seem to just naturally trust Brain and tell him things they might not others. He's a very skilled lie and often makes up stores that out of his month sound truthful. Brian is a yellow bellied coward and will always try to run form a fight, he is how ever not easily intimidated. [/indent] [/hider]