[color=Goldenrod][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Rise%20Of%20Camelot%20Roleplay/Seppia%20Varinius%20-%20Gif%2003_zpsvahbocfa.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DyHtt4t.gif[/img] [h2]The Docks ~ Shores Of Albion[/h2][/center] The gentle rocking of the ship was of much less comfort than the sight of the land in which she now knew to be Albion upon the horizon- they had been sailing non-stop for days upon the rough waves… and truly there was not much that she was able to do while they were not stood upon dry land. Ships of any kind were certainly not her thing; never had been- her strong fear of deep water had kept her sane enough to never once make attempt to cross the oceans surrounding her homeland, and had it not been for her dear father’s orders, she would have been more than happy to keep the record from ever being broken… though she had to admit that the back and forth motions of the water hitting against the hull of the ship as they headed towards their destination was, in its own way, soothing; helping to keep her calm as she stood tall upon the deck, each moment pulling her further away from the sands in which she truly loved. Lifting her hand up from where she had it resting upon the railing in front of her, Seppia lightly brushed some stray strands of her long dark locks back off of her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear as she allowed her soft brown eyes to scan about the rest of the deck- she had scarcely seen any of the others during their journey, only in passing whenever they sought to ask her for guidance, or whenever they had the time to relax and converse within each other’s company… Lucanus was too busy training for the tournament with the other gladiators that had been sent with them, Laelia and Iunia were running about preparing their supplies and luggage for when the ship finally came to dock at the port, Seppius… he, as always, had locked himself away within his room threatening all and any who dare to disturb him as he went over the terms of just why it was that their father had insisted beyond a doubt that Seppia be the one to represent the Varinius name. A soft though slightly exasperated sigh fell out through her soft pink lips as she shifted her body against the railing of the ship, her dark eyes drifting away from the faces she could see, instead turning to gaze out at the deep blue ocean that spanned out before her- it was terrifying… the thought that one wrong move could land her struggling for her life against the unknown creatures and currents that were lurking below the ship; though it truly reminded her of just how small she was compared to everything else within the world… things which she still could not even begin to fathom. Bringing her hand back around from where she had it behind her ear, she pressed the tips of her fingers into her forehead, rubbing a few circles into it before finally, she let it drop back down to rest with the other one upon the wooden beam. What was she supposed to make of this whole trip..? Truly, she wasn’t quite sure; from what she had been told, she was traveling to represent her family, taking her father’s place and honoring the house of Varinius by allowing their best gladiators participation within the tournament being thrown by the King of Camelot himself, Uther Pendragon- from what she had heard, neither he nor his son were much at first glance; scrawny compared to the men in which she had grown up surrounded by, and handed everything upon a silver platter which only helped to feed their cocky and already rather large ego’s… nothing more than snakes in the eyes of her culture. How was she supposed to give respect to men- no, [i]boys[/i] such as they..? Shoving the thoughts to the side so that she was no longer allowing the two royals to cloud her mind, Seppia lifted her attention up to the sky above, her dark eyes fluttering to a close as she seemed to open herself up so that she could drink in the warmth that was the sun’s rays, the light dancing lightly over her supple flesh, hitting each and every curve of her body as she stood; her clothing of choice, while not particularly suitable for the likes of the great Camelot, leaving very little to the imagination of those with wandering eyes, while her own mind once more began to wander over thoughts about the tournament to come. From what she could gather of the tournament of Camelot, it was held at least once a year, with the prize being that of one thousand gold pieces- more than enough for her family to buy new gladiators in which to train and fill their ludus. However, this tournament was supposedly something special; not just that of the norm, but one known as the Decennial- a tradition in which was said to be as old as Camelot itself… open to competitors from not only all corners of the world, but also born of both high and low status; it was said to filled with danger, and not something to be undertaken lightly. Frowning slightly at the thought of losing even one of her gladiators to the thrall of battle without honor, Seppia curled her fingers ever so slightly, allowing them to mould to the shape of the railing as her mind wandered back to large trunk of weaponry that had been loaded into the ship before they had left- all type of weaponry was allowed; the only true ruling being that were no rules… to say that such an event worried her would be more than an understatement. “..domina..?” “Hm..?” Tearing her attention away from the warmth offered to her by the sun above, Seppia slowly opened her dark eyes once again, her gaze lingering upon the familiar figure that was her body slave as she came to a stop and bowed in front of her mistress, the very sight of her trusted Laelia bringing a sweet and gentle smile to play across her soft pink lips, her body twisting slightly so that her hip was instead resting lightly against the wood as she let her full attention come to a rest upon the girl, her head shaking lightly and her hand reaching out so that the tips of her fingers gently brushed over the supple flesh of her cheek before finally, she allowed her fingers to cup her chin and lift it up so that they could look each other within the eye, “..Laelia; quid est quod dilectus meus..? Loquimini ad cor vestrum.” “U-Uh… Apologies, domina. We have arrived within Albion; and your brother is requesting your company upon the dock. He-… he is anxious to arrive within the walls of Camelot.” “I see… and in his steed he sends you, loyal employ, to see that such demands are met with. Were I not holding the knowledge that I am the one sent to honor the house of Varinius; I would put cheek to tongue and lay state to claim that he truly does believe himself to be the superior, and not just unwanted guest.” Unable to help the soft and bell like chuckle that fell out through her lips at the gentle blush that crept over Laelia’s cheeks, Seppia shooh her head lightly from side to side before taking a single step forward, her eyes fluttering to a close as she pressed her lips up against the girl’s in quick though still tender kiss, pulling away only when she herself had enough, “Go… seek Iunia and Lucanus; I expect to lay eye upon you again soon. I shall keep my brother awaiting my presence no longer.” Leaning in so that she could steal yet another kiss from young woman who was no older than herself, Seppia finally pulled herself away before taking her time to wander over the deck and down the plank, her head held high within her own pride as she allowed her feet to carry her down the dock to where her brother stood waiting impatiently by the open door of a carriage; an amused smile flickering over her beautiful features as he shot her an annoyed look, his arm gesturing towards the carriage as a clear hint that he wanted her to get in- Seppius was a sweet man when he wished to be so… though it was times much like these where his childish nature seemed to overthrow all other emotions, and rational thought. Unable to help herself any longer, Seppia turned her head down and over to the side, lifting her hand up to hide her lips as she giggled sweetly at his clearly annoyed behavior as she reached out to him with the other, allowing him to help her up into the comfort of the interior of the carriage supplied by the King of Camelot to bring them directly to the castle. “Calm yourself, Seppius… and do try to have even a little of fun- two days we shall be stuck within this… lackluster Kingdom they call Camelot, and then we shall return to the sands of Rome. I do not plan us staying any longer than we truly need to; I assure you of that…” [/color]