[@GingerBoi123][@Lmpkio][@VitaVitaAR] Kamen Usagi let out a deep breath, [color=007236]"Fuuuuuuu, I can finally get the hell out of here."[/color] He groaned, cracking his neck and heading back down the steps. This was a long day, but at the very least he had two higher ups witness to his heroic deeds. He rubbed the back of his head, "[color=007236]Troublesome crap."[/color] The young hero groaned, why did this have to happen today? But, it could be good news, maybe he'd rank up from this? Who the hell knows! [color=007236]"It's gotta happen right? Hehe."[/color] This was going to be great, it was time to get a couple of meals from the shop. With a quick pop, off came the mask and Usagi was reborn! [color=007236]"Alright, Time to get some food~"[/color] He sighed happily, wait... no, OW! the pain! it surged through his body like rivers through land. [color=007236]"Nnnngh... Ow ow ow..."[/color] He groaned, he could feel his ribs slipping. [color=007236]"Alright... First... Super..."[/color] He groaned, placing the mask back on, just so he could call Super. [color=007236]"I.. Need... Help..."[/color] THUD!