More people appeared. A couple agreed to her request for cooperation. Others stood silent, observing, unmoving. A voice came from the distance, remarking on Rose's anachronistic cheer. At least, to Rose it seemed a bit anachronistic, since it seemed the world had become so gloomy and ruined from her point of view. [b][color=227324]"I'm glad we're all... er, some of us are... well, I'm glad we're not killing each other, at the very least. Very productive in a room full of murder-"[/color][/b] Before she could ramble off again she was interrupted by the squalling of a petulant child, screaming about food and challenging the collective group to a fight. Rose's face flushed with anger, [b][color=227324]"What a dreadful child you are. I don't like being interrupted, okay? Remember that. Don't interrupt me."[/color][/b] She rummaged in her pockets. No food. [b][color=227324][i]Unless... do I still have it?[/i][/color][/b] Rose finally found what she was looking for, and produced, with perfect comedic timing, the peel of a banana. She supposed the stasis must of applied to it as well. [b][color=227324][i]This is absurdly ridiculous, that I've been left with this. A bit too convenient.[/i][/color][/b] She dangled it, glancing towards the boy. [color=227324][b]"I don't suppose you want to fight over this?[/b][/color] Rose taunted the boy. She started another sentence, but was once again interrupted. The very foundation of the prison shook, roofing fell in chunks, calamity was happening around them. And all at once it stopped and now the Stone was being rained on. [b][i][color=227324]Oh, the rain. I enjoy the rain.[/color][/i][/b] Rose thought to herself a very inconsequential though. And then a voice bellowed in the distance, demanding their identity. The voice echoed for a minute, and no one replied. Rose glanced around, deciding to venture a greeting. [color=227324][b]"Uhhhhh... I'm Rose? Who might you be?"[/b][/color] She was still holding the banana peel which may well be thousands of years old.