[color=f26522]"You'd be... Mr. Nagare, yes?"[/color] Ray looked the man up and down. Scruffy, well-built, with a glint of psychosis in his eyes. If it weren't for his way of dress, Ray would have thought he was some sort of mountain hermit. Ray hoped he'd gotten the name right- he'd only been at the base for a couple weeks, after all. Ray held out a hand. [color=f26522]"I'll be in your care while we're scouting out the sinkhole. Need anything before we ship out?"[/color] [i]Hopefully he isn't one of those justice nutters[/i], Ray thought to himself as he eyed Ryoma through his faceplate. A moral compass was all well and good, but Sandman's "justice" seemed a more suited to the Crusades than a modern battlefield- an adrenalin junkie high on a holy battle was the last thing you needed on a recon mission.