[@gowia]; due to real life getting a little busy for my Co-GM, I shall be writing for Chiron until his triumphant return to glory- I am currently working on a post for you honey, but unfortunately, it will not be up until tomorrow (my time). I promise I will get it up as soon as I can after work. :'3 [hr][hr] For everyone else; in regards to the rest Griffin and Roy, to move the roleplay along, I have been given permission to NPC them both in my next Ky' vie post which I will also be working on tomorrow once I have finished work and gotten home. :'3 Thank you so much for your patience, really it means a lot; and remember, in this family and roleplay, real life comes first every time, so if you have something going on, don't be afraid to let us know :D Thank you, Vicier <3