[@Inkd Bull] Oh god that Gif. I will use it for everything. 1) This take place 70 years after the fall. Making the players either First or Second Generation "Post-Fall" inhabitants. 2) Yes and No. We are likely gonna be considered a ragtag bunch at first. But Ambrosia have many other individiuals that do work outside the walls. We are just one "team" out of several. 3) No arbitrary limits as to who go where. In the end this is character driven, not mechanical driven. 4) Ambrosia is constantly growing, becouse as you said, it is a freehaven. Outside the walls there are a number of smaller towships that more or less benefit from Ambrosia. Farmsteads and minertowns feed Ambrosias industries and growth. This game will take place on the West Coast. You cannot really travel across the Americas yet. It is to dangerous, and everything is so very different. The sheer amount of beasts, dangerous terrain and such needs to be mapped, exterminated or otherwise contained. There are sure to be other Safehavens, further out in any direction. But they have yet to actually contact Ambrosia, as communication is very difficult with no telephones, sattelites or cables working.