[b][u][i][h1]Keaghan[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]Just point at it and I'll make sure it stops bothering you... for the right coin, of course.[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance](image)[/hider] Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8'', 170 lbs [i][u]Age[/u][/i] 18 [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Male [i][u]Main Class[/u][/i] Mercenary [i][u]Reclass[/u][/i] Myrmidon, Barbarian [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] [i]Chaotic Good[/i] Confident but not brash, Keaghan exudes an aura of security and stability. Even since a young age he always approaches situations of stress with a level head and straight-forward methodology. Having said that, he is very opinionated when it comes to matters of politics and social order, and is not afraid to tell it the way he sees it; more often than not, he comes off as harsh and tactless. As a mercenary he will take jobs for the right price, but many times a noble or morally "correct" motive is enough to spur Keaghan into action. Normally stern in speech and presence, he is not however without the occasional jape or sarcastic comment to amuse others with. [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Before arriving in this mysterious place, Keaghan was a young traveling mercenary, living off of the gold earned from odd jobs. Once in a while he'd find companionship in fellow comrades, but these bonds never lasted too long. The reasons for this line of work are simple: he was a gifted fighter from the moment he picked up a sword, and he didn't like his family very much. So, he left home at age 15 and did what he did best to get by. Recently, Keaghan has come under fire with the law of the lands, and is labeled as a wanted man. He is also being pursued by the law enforcement of his home land Alexandria. Because of this he's been turned down plenty of jobs for fear of liability issues or simply his new-found reputation. Now, Keaghan only wishes he could have a moment of peace and quiet, a rare occurrence in his now hectic life.