Catarina had been in the city of Saphire for over a month now. She's mostly been doing work as the personal guard of a wealthy fur trader, protecting him and his caravan from robbers and raiders. Mostly desert orcs. Her blade has felled many of the monstrous men, but they were hardly a challenge to the warrior. True they were a threat to merchants and common guardsmen, as their numbers and indvidual ferocity made them threatening opponents, but they were disorganized and unskilled. Catarina could take on a whole raiding party on her own, cutting down the Raiders one-by-one. One month was the duration of Catarina contract, and the merchant had no interest in renewing. While grateful for her service, he has made an alliance with a merchants guild which would provide him skilled guards for all his caravans. Of course he wouldn't mention that for the price he pays Catarina, he could hire ten mediocre guild guardsmen. Catarina likes to think of herself as a noble and just woman, but she was not cheap. Her blade was not earned through sweet but empty words. Money was was a powerful force in this world, as strong as magic, and she wasn't hesitant time use either. Hence why she'll work for the guild of mages. Catarina bad her father once worked with the Mages Guild once in the past, and it was a delightful experienced. She fought her first demon that day. Now, in this dingy tavern, the Mage Guild now needs adventurers to find a silver chalice for them. Perhaps it was some sort of holy grail or decanter of endless water. Whatever it was, Catarina looked for the representative and those who would later become her future party members. First to catch her eye was some muscular man with a mask and a falcon perched on his head. His entire appearance screamed “barbarian” from the axe on his back and and tattoos on his body. Next was the hooded human talking to him. Her outfit indicated that she liked being lightly armored and flashy. Perhaps a Bard, or maybe a rogue. Catarina didn't immediately see any weapons or tools on her, so it was hard for her to say what she can do. Next was the dwarf warrior. A stocky, bearded fellow with a mug of ale, a big hammer, and bigger shield. Lastly, there was the elf mage. Though she carried a scythe the elf was dressed far too lightly to be a front line fighter, and the scythe was a common weapon for spell casters, if only for appearances. Typically used on foes who have fallen for a mages charms and enchantments, or wannabe necromancers. Catarina hoped it was the former and not the latter. Approaching the group Catarina removed her helmet and let her hair down, smiling at those gathered at the table. [color=fff79a]”Hello! I am Catarina La’Spada. I take it that you all will take part in this quest?”[/color] she then offered her hand to shake with everyone at the table, including the quite old man.