[hider=Guts] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/a62394c5bd6bad4a95f4c4af68338081.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Guts [b]Age:[/b] Early 20s. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Origin:[/b] The Berserk Verse. [b]Personality:[/b] Guts, once you first meet the young man, comes off as a serious and calloused individual, with a very tough mental shell that keeps him, fortunately or unfortunately, from getting emotionally attached to both strangers and comrades alike. After years of war, bloodshed, and pain, he has learned to hide his emotions behind a stoic, detached mask, but despite this, he does, in fact, feel emotions - love, hate, envy, pain, and kindness. In spite of the fact that he has killed hundreds upon hundreds of men, Guts is still a human, and still feel kindness alongside sadness. He will just not reveal this to anyone other than himself, and even then, he doesn't truly accept these emotions. Beneath the outer layers of his personality - the regret, the longing, the emotional distance, is an insatiable anger and blood lust that cannot hope to be tamed nor satisfied. He holds himself at an arm's length to most, preferring to keep his distance in order to protect those around him; cursed with the Brand of Sacrifice, Guts is a veritable 'demon beacon'; the mark on the base of his neck is like a magnet, drawing in all the wretched creatures of the shadows and darkness. Anyone around him is guaranteed to become entrapped in the endless battles Guts is forced to partake in, as he's constantly under attack. In battle, he fights with an intensity unsurpassed by any, but undeniably wreckless and suicidal. His movements aren't clumsy or uncoordinated - he simply fights to completely slay the foe, despite any injuries he may garner in the process. [b]History:[/b] Guts was born from a hanging corpse, found by a merceny leader named Gambino, who adopted him to appease his wife, who had previously suffered from a miscarriage. When his wife died three years later, Gambino began to train Guts at the young age, so that Guts could join their mercenary company when he reached the age of nine. Unthinkable things happened over the years of his childhood, things that are to not be repeated, but in the end, it ended with Guts being forced to escape the mercenary camp around the age of a teenager, after murdering Gambino 'in cold blood'. As the years passed, Guts went through countless battles and quests, killing countless men with only brief thoughts, his prodigal talents in combat leaving him to fight another battle, after remaining victorious over each odd. He eventually become known as The Black Swordsman, with a destiny ahead of him that shook the very sky itself. [b]Abilities:[/b] To keep things simple and efficient, Guts is a fighter. He possesses titanic strength gained from a harsh childhood lived with a band of mercenaries. Guts is seen by many as the personification of endurance and human willpower. Somehow Guts always manages to survive, even risking his life needlessly, as long as it was a risk that lay along a path to victory. In his early twenties, as the Black Swordsman, Guts is shown to be a true master swordsman, even considered by the Count to be the greatest of all humans. Guts is shown to be able to block attacks faster than the human eye can see, and all with the insanely heavy Dragonslayer. With his vast arsenal, Guts is shown to be able to dispatch foes at any range, each weapon option growing in lethality as he gets closer. He is a true force of nature within close range, and has triumphed against incredibly powerful beings much larger than himself. [b]Other:[/b] He possessed a small array of equipment once he was transported here. The [url=http://berserk.wikia.com/wiki/Dragonslayer]Dragonslayer[/url] and his [url=http://berserk.wikia.com/wiki/Cannon_Arm]Cannon Arm[/url].[/hider]