Vivian's brow raised up as she noticed her staring took the notice of Malkai. "I am a sorceress, I bring to the table arcane magic that may just save us along the road. I highly doubt muscle and cunning will be the only thing we need on this adventure. With arcane magic on our side we will be able to fight magic with magic.... or angry spirits." She voiced. She didn't know what the others fears or if they had any fear at all. Which in her opinion was kind of ignorant. It was good to have fear as long as you dont let it control you. Fear sometimes kept you alive. She tons of it, the fear of dying with no one there to remember she exited. You die twice in the world, first by physical and the second is when you forgotten. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the mage as he stood up. "Your group is now big enough. Each of you having your own set of skills that make you unique." The old man spoke. He reached into his robe and pulled out a map. Using one of the dwarf's mugs to hold it in place he then pointed to a spot. Vivian was able to conclude the location was north east from their current location. "The guild has waited many years for this temple to once more poke itself out of the sands. Within it is a very rare item, The Chalice of Silence. We no nothing of what it does or what it is capable of doing or why it is there. What we do know is that this is our only chance to grab it. However, the guild does not have the resources to go there themselves. That is where you all come in. You will go there and retrieve it for us. You will be paid in gold for your services." He said. "However, we will pay you after you bring it to us, we wouldn't want you to take our gold and then split." He then sat back down. "The person in charge of tracking can take the map." He added. Jarvis nodded to the man's words drinking to every word. He did not like the sounds of this mission as it was voiced. A temple buried beneath the sand has unearthed itself. That doesn't normally happen out here in the desert. Unless something wanted to be found. This chalice maybe or something more darker. Which only meant he had to go now. Payment or not payment his god would not let him sit this one for a second. He reached over and took the map and looked over at the barb and the woman standing next to him. "You want to be our tracker right, then here you go." He said tossing the map. He could easily do it himself but she was the one bragging about it. He then looked to the woman that joined. A fighter by the looks of her. "Well hope you didn't come in hoping for some rest. We be going in a couple seconds." He said as he hopped out of his chair and onto his feet. He then used his feet to start moving towards the door. "No time to waste, the wizard said it emerged from the sand. You never know when the sand might swallow it up again." Vivian listened to the mages words and then that of the dwarf. Either way she didn't care. The gold wasn't what she wanted. She could easily transmute some if she needed too. What she needed though was to do something that would make her noticeable. Something that would give her a name in this city. Something that would allow her to shake this damn illusion spell. No one knew how degrading it was to be the appearance of a elf. She sighed and rose up from her seat lifting her scythe up and followed suit. "Oh before I forget, seeing as we are all trading names. I am Vivian." This caused the dwarf to stop midway and looked over his shoulder. "Fine,... I am Jarvis of clan Stonehammer." After that he kept moving forward.