[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lOcvGAx.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RXRtQbb.gif[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] Emerson raised her middle finger to her lips and blew Tobi a kiss in return. Her lips quirked up into a smile; seemed like he hadn't changed at all since they last saw each other. For better or for worse, she was sort of glad there were so many familiar faces among the fifty or so of them that crash-landed in this planet. Made things more fun, first of all. A group of screwed up delinquents left to their own devices as they explore an unknown planet? She'd watch the hell out of that show. And second, she didn't think any of them deserved to rot in that hellhole anyway. Not even fucking Athena. [color=FFEF00]"Nah, I have a better idea."[/color] As much as she wanted to bother Charlie and Val, she didn't feel like stepping foot in that ship again. So instead she waved her hand and shooed Tobi away. [color=FFEF00]"I'll see you later with my food."[/color] Right next to her, Ryker was being his usual dorky self (times five because this was [i]Genevieve[/i]). He heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing she was unhurt, only to quickly suck in his breath in surprise after he was pulled forward into a brief hug. He'll have you know, he gives the best hugs, but the recipients have only ever been his family, children, or the elderly. Genevieve had her arms around him for probably less than a second, but even then, he was so certain he had frozen completely. A nervous chuckle bubbled out of his throat despite his attempts to quell it. [color=1DE9B6]"No, I-- uh, yeah-- I mean, I understand."[/color] He nudged Emerson with his foot when he heard her snorting at his sorry attempt at talking. Her teasing spurred his bruised ego to do better, though. Ryker smiled coyly, and this time he was able to form a coherent sentence. [color=1DE9B6]"I'm just glad you're okay."[/color] [color=FFEF00]"Hey, if fucking Athena goes near you again, call me, 'kay? I'll tell her to play with me instead~"[/color] Emerson flashed her a mischievous grin. Raising a hand to her forehead in a playful salute, she sauntered away after spotting Charlie and Val's little group of followers emerging from the ship. Ryker called for her to be careful before turning back to Genevieve. [color=1DE9B6]"S-so what do you think we should do? I remember that voice, that person over the intercom. J, right? Didn't he say to go north? Maybe we—"[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"I'm going to stay here. Get things organized, try and keep people together for now, get a better idea of what we have. You're welcome to help if you don't want to head out with them."[/color] His heart sank. Although he shared her sentiments, there was no way his cousin would stay put and that meant he couldn't, either. And as much as he would have loved for her to accompany them, he had no right to persuade her to come. Especially since there was no way of knowing where it would be safer. [color=1DE9B6]"I don't want to leave you here alone, but I, uh, Emmy's not going to want to stay. If we find shelter along the way, would you… would you come then? I'll run back and get you as fast as I can."[/color] While Ryker chatted with his first ever doomed love, Emerson intercepted Charlie and Val's group. The first one to come out of the ship was a boy nearly two heads taller than her and slung on either of his shoulders were two different backpack straps. From the way it bulged, both looked perfectly stocked. [i]Jackpot![/i] Emerson blocked him right at the entrance and smiled up sweetly, her hands trailing along the length of his arm as he regarded her with a mix of confusion and giddiness. [color=FFEF00]"Thanks for this,"[/color] she stood on her tiptoes, stretching up to give him a quick peck on the cheek. Then she yanked both straps down until the backpack tumbled into her arms. [color=FFEF00]"You're totally my hero."[/color] Emerson scampered away just as the boy came to his senses, hands balling in angry fists and upper lip raised in a snarl. He would have easily gotten hold of her if it hadn't been for the huge distraction that came swooping down (and the bedlam that followed). A massive purple cloud that filled the horizon dispersed and turned into a cluster of colorful fluffballs instead, zooming past them frantically. They left as abruptly as they arrived, and in their wake was a deep roar that pierced the air. One blue and purple straggler flew directly at her in its haste, sending her sprawling to the ground just as it started to tremble ominously. Everyone started running then, past her and away from the source of the sound. Only stupid Ryker didn't seem to get the message. He ran back to help her up, then ran toward the ship, toward the scary roaring sound. Because he was an idiot. [color=FFEF00]"What the hell are you doing?"[/color] [color=1DE9B6]"Genevieve! I went to look for you when the purple birds came and now I don't know where she is. She said she was going to stay. I thought she might have gone to the ship to get supplies and—"[/color] [color=FFEF00]"I didn't see her there."[/color] Emerson tugged at his arm and used all her might to pull him along. The trembling was getting stronger and they need to get the fuck out. [color=FFEF00]"Get over yourself. Gen doesn't need you to save her. She's ridiculously smart and she probably ran off before everyone else did. Now, [i]come on[/i]! I'll knock you out and drag you if I have to."[/color] Only then did Ryker relent. The two of them sprinted away before they could glimpse the source of the roar, trailing after the last of the delinquents.