Catarina sighed in frustration at the dwarf's foolhardiness and the elf's arrogance. Another reason why she never joined the clergy or picked up magic; it made them too complacent. Magic was the easy answer to everything, but Catarina was certain that if they had to do this entire adventure without it, her suggestions to be prepared would sound more appealing. Regardless there was no sense in arguing against either of them. A dwarf and elf's ignorance were the stuff of legends. Fortunately unlike everyone else, Catarina still had some pay from her time protecting the fur merchant, and used her money to prep. She resupplied her essentials and added a few additional items; various magical potions and even a wondrous item, the traveler's any tool. A metal par capable of becoming any tool imaginable, and then some. Surely it'll be handy for tomb raiding. Lastly, she brought a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. While it's true that their cleric could fulfill all their healing needs, surely his spells could be better used inflicting damage on the enemy or bypassing a obstacle than patching them up. And if the dwarf for some reason refuses to use it, Catarina was certain that Alyssa had the magical knack to activate the wand. Trying to keep up with the others whilst in her full plate, eventually they were about ready to leave. Somehow Malkai managed to get them camels, though she suspects that he didn't buy them. She would have denied them on principle, but then again she wasn't one to look a gift horse (Or camel in this instance) in the mouth. When he mentioned that someone would have to share, Catarina figured that she would be ruled out. Her armor didn't exactly provide much room on the camel. Indeed, she barely managed to fit in the camel's saddle. Admittedly her armor was far better on foot than it was on mounts, but she won't get far if everyone else were riding. [color=fff79a]"If it is going to be at least a two day ride, then we'd best fine a strong shelter if we rest tonight. I hear from many of the merchants that a sandstorm will brew early morning before sun rise. With any luck it won't bury our destination, but we'd be taking considerable risks trying to cross through a desert storm."[/color] Fortunately Catarina had made adjustments to her armor to provide ample ventilation during the desert's days and insulation during it's cold nights, while at the same time ensuring that sand doesn't leak into her armor. Though that does mean that she'll need to constantly be wearing it, or at least keep the armored bits in a sealed sack. It'll be tedious, but necessary.