Almost immediately after the coronation was a mound of work hurled at the new Knight-Commander. Evelyn's private quarters became her office almost instantly as a number of issues from both The Order and the peasantry were brought to her attention. A number of monster sightings in the area were being posted and requests for Templar deployment came by the hundreds. Nevertheless, Evelyn took to her new duties with determination and focus, looking over each and every complaint or file brought to her desk. Three initiates stood by her desk, awaiting papers and declarations to receive and deliver to their intended destinations. [color=fff79a][i]"If not Sar'than then it would be such work that would have killed the Lord Commander"[/i][/color], she thought to herself as she signed a requisition order. [color=fff79a]"Theodore should be briefing the knights on the mission about now. I hope he knows what he's doing"[/color], she said to herself quietly, although one of the couriers managed to hear her. [b]"Master Doubleblade is currently taking volunteers, My Lady. If you wish, I shall bring you a list of the volunteers once the meeting is concluded"[/b], the initiate lowered his head upon conclusion with the slightest indication that he was ready to run off at any minute. [color=fff79a]"I'd be grateful if you could, initiate. However, at the moment I need you to bring this requisition order to the quartermasters. For the rest of you, I need a sign in form from all the arriving Templar groups. I require the names of the commanding officers, their signatures, and a count of the men under them. I'd not see a repeat of Starguard here. Dismissed"[/color], the couriers wasted no time to attend to their tasks, bolting out the door like lightening thrown from an elemental they vanished with a gust of wind in their wake. Finally, Evelyn had a moment to herself, taking in a deep breath she leaned her head back over the head of her chair before getting up to approach the balcony. Before she even made a distance between herself and her desk, an item caught her attention. A letter atop her sword, which looked somewhat different than when she last saw it. Opening the letter she was surprised to find who it was from as she was half expecting it to be a message from Tyr or Marcus. [i]Knight Captain Sunderland, I have been meaning to give this to you since we returned from the kest hive in thanks for saving us from a gruesome death by the claws of those beasts. The rune will allow you to use your magic to charge the weapon with whichever element you wish. Sincerely, Glodin Stonequarry[/i] Placing the letter back on the desk she held up the sword and almost immediately the blade was enveloped in arcs of electricity. [color=fff79a][i]"Thank you I feel terrible for last night"[/i][/color], she thought to herself as she placed the sword within its sheath. Once they had a moment Evelyn would set aside time to properly thank her dwarven friend for this gift. It had been some time since her original group had spent time in each other's company, the business in the capital had kept them rather busy and apart and from the looks of things it'd continue so for some time.