[center][color=#000000][h3]Re'Mane[/h3][/color] [@Jangel13][@Narcotic Dollie][@King Atlas] "[color=#000000]How kind.[/color]" Re'Mane spoke quietly, gently pointing towards the bird skull with his stick while watching the witch loop her shoe lace through the unbroken eye socket of the tiny skull. When the witch stood up straight, he followed in suit, nodding his hooded shadow of a head as she gave the now-necklace a bit of a jiggle. Very carefully he moved the stick around and snagged the end of it on the lace. With one quick jerk of his sleeve covered hand he twisted the stick around and towards himself, causing the lace to tangle up among the simple two-pronged stick. He was quiet for several moments longer as the hood tilted downwards, inching closer to the lace and the bird skull that now sat contently upon the stick with little disruption. Inspecting it, if anything. "[color=#000000]Thank you.[/color]" He hummed, quickly returning to swinging the skull back and forth on the stick- much more carefully this time, even though it was now tied in place with the lace. "[color=#000000]Is it... okay for me to keep this? Or is there someway I can pay you for it? Or... since I broke it, replace it? I see you weave them in your hair sometimes, very beautiful.[/color]" As he asked, he stopped swinging the skull back and forth, gently extending it out towards the woman. He finally lifted his other free hand and pointed at the skull with a tilt of his head. He never kept anything before, not that he could remember anyway. But oddly enough, having the skull attached to his unholy weapon of a stick, he felt kind of odd. It wasn't the warm feeling the music the angel played gave him, but it was a different kind of feeling. Of living. But it was so far and so foreign to him now it put a bitter taste in his mouth. One that he liked. "[color=#000000]Might not look like I can do much, but I can sort of collect certain things that you might find useful.[/color]" Another hum escaped Re'Mane, but he tilted his head to the side a bit too much, the cloth hood constricting a bit oddly. He glanced back towards where the witch had left from, narrowing his unseen gaze slightly. People were approaching. Humans were always in danger from everything. They could die so easily. Getting sick, tripping, decapitation, the list was endless! And with that thought in mind, it only made the bitter taste in his non-existent mouth worse. Why did humans have to be so fragile? Maybe, even if she didn't accept his offer of paying her back, he could keep an eye on her instead. [i]Dead? Yeah. Powerless? Hardly. [/i] [/center]