Alyssa mounted her camel, and immediately named it George, it looked like a George so that should suit it fine. [color=ed1c24]"I'm more concerned about any treasure of value being a two day ride away from a city. There's a reason no one's retrieved it yet. Way I see it either the mages are being forthcoming and it's a simple matter of timing or, and in my opinion far mor likely, whatever is guarding it is formidable indeed."[/color] Alyssa offered a hand to help Vivian up. Once she was situated she spoke quietly. [color=ed1c24]"About earlier, I over reacted a bit. Sometimes people call people like me 'the rogue' because it's easier that way. If we die we're just the rogue right? No name, no attachments. I get it, but I don't have any family, no one will miss me."[/color] She chuckled a bit. [color=ed1c24]"Well maybe a few tavern maidens, but they don't really count. I just don't want to die without someone, anyone, knowing I was here."[/color] After a moment she looked over her shoulder all smiles again. [color=ed1c24]"And it's good to have a proper mage around. I have some magical talent, but I'd be hard-pressed to provide everything we'll likely need."[/color]