[h2]Sachiko Kanno|Camp[/h2] Sachiko sighed as she noticed the lack of their backs but also of the other Volkov sibling. Seeing as she was missing she decided that if they was going to survive they were going to need fire wood and flint. Flint was easy to solve as she could do that part easily due to the two bags on her waist one for combat the other for small camping items. Wood was plentiful as they were by trees so that was one good thing. [color=662d91]"Bear meat can be tough and stringy when not cooked properly."[/color] She spoke up to answer the one musing of Ayumu's as she went to work grabbing small twigs and sticks around the campsite. Even if they lacked their bags she knew how to survive though it might be a bit harder to the larger amount of people.