[center][color=purple][h1]Delores "Dee-Dee" DeMarco[/h1][/color] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9cTDLuIMAEdi5T.jpg[/img] [color=purple][h3][i]“Don't think I won't cut you just because you're cute.”[/i][/h3][/color] [b][i]– Dee-Dee; shortly after her arrest.[/i][/b][/center] Dee-Dee and her band of murderers had made it some distance from the rest of the survivors. It would be much easier to look after a small group like the one she had now and supplies would last longer. To hell with the others, they could rot in that wreck of a ship for all she cared. Lucy, who was taking point, stopped the group for a moment, just as the sound of some large animal boomed across the landscape. [b][color=purple]"Let's keep moving. Better them than us."[/color][/b] The whole group started to run through the endless forest of trees, confident that they would be relatively safe so long as they stayed mobile. A few hundred meters non-stop and suddenly Lucy fell down a steep decline into a strange hole. Dee-Dee stopped the rest of the group just short of following her down. Looking down to where Lucy had fallen Dee-Dee could see that she was alright if a little shocked. [b]Virgil: "You're supposed to be the lookout, so maybe try to fuckin' look out?" Lucy: "Bite me, kiss-ass." Virgil: "You-" [color=purple]Dee-Dee: "Cut the shit, we keep moving for now."[/color][/b] Before Dee-Dee had time to add anything else what had first appeared to be a bunch of oddly shaped rocks emerged to reveal that it was actually an enormous [url=http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03180/pangolin_3180820b.jpg]creature[/url]. It was easily the size of a horse from earth but it stood using only it's rear legs. It turned it's head toward Lucy and sniffed her a few times. No one moved although the others had raised their weapons just in case. Lucy reached toward the lumbering beast trying to touch it's nose and instead was greeated by a long tounge that smacked her in the face. That seemed to satisfy it's curiosity as the beast went to lay down again, effectively ignoring them. Lucy spent the next few minutes wiping her face of alien drool but this encounter went extremely well. Dee-Dee noted that these creatures seemed docile so they could probably be domesticated somehow. Still they had to find a good place to camp that was far enough north to give them a head start from the larger group of survivors. It was best for them if they got a hold of whatever was waiting for them up north before everyone else. Assuming whatever was waiting for them was enough to satisfy all the survivors, she could only imagine how much that would mean for just her group of six. There were a lot of assumptions going around but really she had nothing else to go on and the best way to stay alive was to be a step ahead of everyone else.