Tourist? Man, crazy waterbender was right. Kasai was ready to write it off and ask the scantily dressed woman if she would kindly stop using the vehicle as a platform before she noticed a glimmer of recognition in the woman's eye as she began to make her way over without any prompt. Kasai raised an eyebrow and watched as the stranger shot a wink at Avani and then addressed her by name. Kasai turned a skeptical gaze towards Avani, who was now shuffling through words with some struggling effort. Mhm... tourist. Clearly the pair knew each other fairly well, though possible quite a while ago, for the waterbender to question the scars and injuries. Kasai studied Avani, noticing how awkwardly she seemed to be handling the reunion. Kasai sensed some history between the two. She didn't have long to ponder how serious it was before she was tackled by the waterbender, who introduced herself while getting a little too hands-on with Kasai. Today was just full of unpleasant greetings, wasn't it? "Um," Kasai stood there, arms trapped beneath the other woman's in an awkward, forced embrace that lasted far too long. She let out a relieved sigh when the hug finally ceased, trying not to let it be heard as she took a step back and put on a smile. "Pleasures all mine," she said with a nod. "My pockets? Why are you asking about..." Kasai's hands went to her pockets and felt that they were in fact empty. Not that she had had a lot in them, just some change and a small metal trinket that she had gotten from a metal bender in one of the smaller villages they had stopped in on the way to Ba Sing Se. Kasai felt her eye twitch. How could she not have known something like that was happening to her? It should have been blatantly obvious, especially since she was [i]trained[/i] to spot such activities. Mentally beating herself, she outwardly chuckled a few times before putting her hands up in a relenting gesture. "Good one, that's quite the skill you got there. Mind if I have that stuff back?" It might not hold any real value, she could go without the spare change, but she wanted the trinket back. It was the start of her collection of items from their worldly travels, and it wasn't something that could be bought at a tourist shop. Kasai finished kicking herself for not catching on and instead blamed it on the circumstances. This Iluq girl seemed to be a few years younger than them, and already pretty good at thievery. Forcing her cop-brain off, Kasai instead decided to seize the opportunity to generate some conversation. "So how do you two know each other?"