Seventy years have passed since Robin and Chrom defeated Grima, Robin having killed Grima supposedly. Generations have passed and now the world has changed dramatically. Ylisse and Ferox have maintained a friendly and strong relationship, Plegia has had numerous civil wars over the throne and very recent established a ruling council with help from Ylisse and holds elections. Rosanne has become the home of The Church of Naga hosting several key artifacts. The Taguel have returned, a handful of survivors were located having lived far north and have been gifted land in Ylisse and even have Lord to represent them. A small island off the coast of Ylisse and Plegia has recently been discovered and hosts a Manakete tribe. Shepherds were disbanded as the Pegasus knights were reformed and a Ylissian army was created to keep the country side safe. Ylisse established the Tacticians academy to train bright young minds and commanders for it's forces. These shifts have created a world of peace yet now it is threatened. Rosanne and many smaller countries who are heavily devoted to the Church of Naga have donated forces to the church to protect it. Other nations worried about the idea of a religious group having troops sent delegates to a large convening of nations with the Church. The Exalt decided to assign a young tactician as her escort on this mission, while he and a small group of guards and diplomats would travel with her, he served as her guard. Yet what came next surprised many at this conclave of nations, something no one had expected. The Church and it's backers stated there intentions clearly, a crusade. A crusade to remove all who do not worship Naga and especially Grima cults fearing that they could return the dark god to life. That would wipe all who did not fall in line with their form of worship would be removed and the world would only worship Naga. Yet Tiki the voice of Naga spoke up at this meeting, stating that this is not Naga's will and more importantly that they cannot succeed. Before she was forced out of the meeting she pointed out one of Ylisse's delegates, a young tactician. She yelled before the room that he would Naga's champion in this matter, not the Grand Cleric. With that the Ylissian delegation quickly left Rosanne and returned to port. Worriedly now the Tactician and Exalt have returned to decide the next course of action for many in Valm however the choice was already made, war. ------------------- As shown above this Roleplay takes place after Awakening, thus most classes should come from Awakening, using classes from outside Awakening is alright in some cases, in others I may object. Everyone must start as a normal class, no advanced classes, at a certain point you will all be upgraded to your advanced class. I want everyone to have fun however I also want to avoid canon characters as much as we can, so you cannot be related to a canon unit. I will however okay one Anna at most since they vary greatly in personality and job. As for combat you won't killing ten units at a time assume three at the best of times and one per post if you wish. I don't want anyone to feel as if their character is just mowing down targets and everyone else is to weak. Otherwise I encourage you all to think outside the box. I will limit classes, more than likely I will only allow for one Manakete and two Taguel. Their is also only one tactician, which I will be playing. I will limit other classes as I need to, I do want to let everyone play what interests them but a dozen Manaketes would just be silly. This story will have us running around both continents and your welcome to be from where ever you like. This war will be bringing back the Shepherds as a military unit since it will be bringing a random and almost impossible group of people together with one goal. Roleplay rules 1. No player killing, this shouldn't be an issue however I wanted to put it here in case it does come up. 2. Please keep things civil in the OOC, planning is fine but no insults or rude comments. We are all human and thus should be treated with respect however if you have a disagreement with someone please let me know, I will take it up with them and then ask about them stopping. 3. Romance is allowed and encouraged, well a little, as Fire Emblem as a series has always had meaningful and possible romantic dialogue between it's characters. 4. Two Characters allowed at max, no more than that. 5. I will play most of the NPC's unless you bring them in as well as the enemy forces. Remember while Champion was chosen to end the war, his troops will be the one's immortalized for there deeds. 6. If you read rules put a reference to 6 in your character sheet. 7. Have fun, honestly that's the point to enjoy ourselves and tell a fun and sometimes dark story about hero's. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Appearance: (Picture, no real life or description one paragraph long.) Class: (Starting classes only.) Age: (16 minimum.) Sex: (Male or female.) Weapon Rank: (Must start at D or lower for all weapons.) Equipment: (All items you have, please bronze or iron only.) Skills: (They two skills you start with, one class based and another unique.) Plot subjective: (Yes or No. Meaning I can take your back story and bring in things from it, it is your choice but it is more fun if we can bring in things from everyone's background and cause trouble with it.) Personality: (Must be filled out, at least one paragraph.) Biography: (A history of your character, at least two paragraphs.) [/hider] A note for the character sheet, one skill should come from your class and the other is up to you to create. Examples: Class skill-Lockpick: No door stands between this thief and what she want. Custom skill-First Strike: Trained in the art of quietly killing guards, this talented rogue can get the drop on any nearby foe at the start of an encounter.