[centre][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/426b/f/2016/064/a/2/yeahyoufeelme_by_fenixking13-d9tzalz.png[/img][/centre] [centre]Day 17 / Afternoon / LVL 16[/centre] [centre][]HP[]100%[color=00a651]//////////[/color][][/centre] Dom could only stare on in shocked and blissful silence, the weight of existence itself had seemed to lift from his tired old soul. Scarlet, beautiful little scarlet, was growing up and was gonna be a queen in her own right. If she could get used to having two old fleshheaps with her it would make his world all the better. Truth be told Dimitri and Dan had been playing games their whole lives, some virtual and others on friends and family alike, since they were just a pair of ankle biters no bigger than she was. Something had changed though, the years in the courthouse had shriveled them both. Years of police work and yellow tape had taken the humanity from Dimitri as surely as speaking to those idiot jury members had ruined Danny. Stopped being about enjoying the fun and more about escaping the little white death of their existences. He turned to look at Reaper and Edgar, both boys hadn't intervened a word and did their best to wait it out. Not run off, not defend themselves, not speak a word of anger. They had acted like the men and women Dimitri had called partners for years and felt a kinship form. These were boys who would grow to be men, real men, with a morale compass that may yet steer the world to a better place. While Scarlet and Smart shared their moment he moved over to stand in front of both of the two mistreated lads. Clearing his throat and standing tall as possible before offering his hand out. [color=fdc68a]"I don't usually get the chance to apologize in my line of work. Jumped the gun a bit here, and I appreciate you both for bein' good sports about this mess. Promise ta make it up to you both. I uh.. Been through the gorge, whole thing, and can guide your little group through to the fresh spots. Not much for compensation but it's a start. What say ye' both?" [/color] His face was a brimming smile of unfamiliar warmth, it spread through him like fire as both men clasped his hand and nodded. Smart and Scarlet had finished up so he gave a light bow and told them to wait just one more moment. He came up from behind Scarlet and wrapped his arms around both of his long time best friend and his Granddaughter, crushing them as he felt a trickle roll down his eye. His virtual body denied the appearance of a frail old man he was as he lifted them from the ground with a hearty laugh and enjoyed the fleeting moment. [color=fdc68a]"A weddin' if she don't scare them off. Girls pure fire and boys won't know what ta do with er! Now girl I want you to know honest and true that issues with your parents ain't ever your fault. People aren't always black and white. Only thing you can do is keep your chin high and swear by the sun and stars never to lose sight of yourself."[/color] He put them both down and tossed a wink her way, playful and meant to tease her. Lass would figure boys out one day and if they got a bit grabby well.. Dom figured he knew how ta solve that issue now. Granted he would investigate a little further before dragging Smart into this mess again. Turning attentions back to the boys, he waved them both over. [color=fdc68a]"Come on lads, bring 'er over. Got some wrongs to right."[/color] He glanced at Smart. [i]Starting with..[/i] And waited for what was inevitably coming.