[@Lord Zee][@Cuccoruler][@Polaris North] Once arriving at the border, Octavia turned to the soldier escort and smiled. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you for escorting us all the way here. We should be able to make it on our own from here."[/color] She said with a slight, polite bow. [color=ed1c24]"If there is anything I could do for you, anything at all, please let me know so that I may repay the kindness you have showed us."[/color] With a slight wave, she crossed the border and a pulse of warmth washed over her, wraping around her like a warm blanket. After taking a few more step, she removed her cloak, placed it on the ground, and stretched out her wings and arms. Octavia was slightly surprised by the human male's request but quickly understood. He wanted to meet the king so he could brag about it this comrades. She exhaled deeply and smiled gently at human male. [color=ed1c24]"You wish to meet my father, correct? The trek will be long and tiring. However, if this does not phase you then I shall not try to stop you. I'm sure that my father will be happy to meet you. "[/color] She replied somewhat disappointed, yet wasn't obvious about it. With that said, Octavia picked up her cloak and began to walk back to the palace with long, quick strides. After a few hours of walking, they arrived at the castle. Octavia walked casually through the Grand Hall and to the throne room, where the king sat upon his elegant throne. Though he had the appearance of a frail, old man; he gave off an intense aura of greatness and godlike powers that demanded respect and authority. Of course, such aura could not be felt by Octavia. What she felt was that of a worried, loving father welcoming back his daughter. Octavia stepped forward and kneeled before her father, her head lowered. [color=fff200]" I see you have returned home, my dear child. Did you enjoy today's adventure to the kingdom of darkness? Did you learn much?"[/color] The king asked, his voice sounded old and tired, yet held warmth and affection, as he stroked Octavia's head affectionately. [color=ed1c24]"Yes father! I met many amazing and wonderful people today! I met 2 vampires, a demon, a faerie, and a human! It was a little scary at first but the human and the faerie risked their lives to save me from the demon! And also! It turns out that the demon was actually very nice and he let us go!"[/color] Octavia replied excitedly as she told her tales of the dark world, sounding more like a small child than an elegant princess. The king chuckled softly and continued to stroke Octavia's head, then looked up at the faerie and human that had accompanied her. [color=fff200]"You must be the human and faerie children that my dear Octavia spoke of. I welcome you and thank you for saving my daughter. Tell me. How may I repay you for your valiant efforts? Speak your wish and consider it done."[/color] The king said.