[hider=Amelia] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Amelia [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Show] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/26a9/f/2014/310/f/3/pink_hair_anime_girl_by_miyu_uchiha-d85jngl.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Class:[/b] Fighter [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Weapon Rank:[/b] D [b]Equipment:[/b] Iron Axe [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Zeal-[/i] Increases the user's critical hit (+5) [i]Drunken Brawler-[/i] Consuming alcohol empowers her, resulting in higher damage output and increases her evasion in exchange for decreased accuracy. [b]Plot subjective:[/b] Yes [b]Personality:[/b] Amelia is a rather shy girl who always seem to have an innocent smile on her face. Her presence illuminates the room and she kindly welcomes people into her life with open arms. Her voice is angelic and speaks in a quiet tone most of the time. She would be the last person you'd expect a fight from due to her passive attitude. So, it is no surprise she wishes to avoid conflict overall. It is near impossible to make her angry, but fairly easy to make her sad. That is...until she gets a drop of alcohol on her lips. Then she would have a major personality shift. The happy go-lucky girl you knew would go into a drunken frenzy, smashing tables, breaking windows, and above all, she would have a frightening appetite. She is far more aggressive and rude in her drunken state as she will literally hit on the guys she comes across. When her buzz decreases, there's a small period of time where she is in between personalities thus becoming dull and boring, not even reacting to any comical attempts to get her to blink. [b]Biography:[/b] Amelia is a traveling merchant who sells self brewed ale. She grew up in some peaceful village, raised by her adoptive parents. They treated her kindly like if she were one of their own, and even went out of their way to shield her from their line of work when she was young. However, Amelia had a natural talent for brewing and convinced her parents to work at their tavern. Let's just say her first day on the job was quite interesting. When she became experienced enough, she pitched an idea to her parents wishing to travel around the continent and advertise their business. Her parents supported the idea and allowed Amelia to roam around the neighboring villages at first, until she was capable of defending herself to travel even further away from home. One day when she returned back home from another trip, she was horrified to see that her village was in ruins. The tavern she grew up in was demolished and there was no sign of life anywhere, no corpses, nothing but a few stains of blood. It was really heartbreaking for her. Who or what could've done this to her precious home? Seeking for answers, she set off on a mission to find out who or what was responsible for this destruction. She started by searching for any survivors who could've fled and asked anyone along the way for any information regarding the event. It gave her a little hope that her friends or family could still be alive out there. [SIX] [/center] [/hider]