[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/57/b4/b1/57b4b1663c9003759838531ff1557f22.jpg[/img] [b]Character information[/b] NAME: [color=7bcdc8]Oliver Garrett Rivers[/color] GENDER: [color=7bcdc8]Male[/color] SEXUALITY: [color=7bcdc8]Pansexual[/color] AGE: [color=7bcdc8]Seventeen[/color] YEAR: [color=7bcdc8]Seventh year[/color] HOUSE: [color=7bcdc8]HuffelPuff[/color] BLOOD STATUS: [color=7bcdc8]Pureblood[/color] [b]In-depth Information[/b] APPEARANCE: [color=7bcdc8]Tall and thin Oliver stands at 6 feet tall. He tends to lean towards the person he is focusing on, usually in conversations, giving the impression of fondness and close friendship regardless of if he's known you for very long. Dark curly hair paired with bright eyes tend to give him an outward look of mischievousness, one that is not necessarily wrong. His clothes tend to consist of dark blues and black and is more reserved and proper though he ops to wear such clothes in a distinct purposefully disheveled way. It is not uncommon to see him in dark jean or dress pants with an untucked collared shirt and coat.[/color] PERSONALITY: [color=7bcdc8]Oliver is a free spirit who enjoys lighthearted pranks, anything new or unusual. He yearns for attention of any type, and anyone who merely speaks to him he will label as a friend. He speaks his mind and generally seems very happy. With that in mind he does dislike large groups of people, and the loud that accompanies them. He takes being ignored very personally and is quick to assume peoples feelings about him. Oliver falls in and out of love a lot, though it typically doesn't go over well for him since he tends to be overbearing and has very minimal concepts of personal space. He has a strange fondness for birds, and collects bird feathers, feet, wings, anything bird related. Any chance he gets to inform people about birds he will take. Overall he just wants to have fun like every other teenager. [/color] HISTORY: [color=7bcdc8]Oliver began life in The united states, just outside of New York. His mother was originally from Europe and had come to America to study it's culture and sight see. There she fell in love with a magical creatures enthusiast and started her family. She always wanted to go back to Europe though. Soon after Oliver was born the His father was attacked by a rouge werewolf. The attack convinced the family to move. Oliver's dad had scars to prove the story true. Now in Europe the young family settle on a ranch in the country, and Oliver is free to play and run around freely on the acres of land. As a child he showed a great aptitude for magic, especially transfiguration. He was turning house hold items into every manner of bug before he could even speak. As he aged his grandparents moved from america to be closer to their son and grandson. They were strict to say the least and as traditional as wizards come. Constantly they made comments on muggles and their inadequacies, ironicly enough leading Oliver to be curious about these strange non-magic folk. Whenever he caught sigh of them he tended to stare, waiting for them to do the things his grandparents said they were incapable of. his acceptance letter was expected and he was sent to Hogwarts with high expectations placed on him. His grandfathers wand in hand he plunged into the wizarding society. Never had he seen so many other wizards, and he loved it. Throughout his first year he made many friends. He knew nearly every first year and many of the upperclassmen. He was a born socialite despite a sheltered youth and it seemed that nothing could go wrong. his second year started similarly, he had perfect grades, perfect friends, a great life. Everything was wonderful. Until it all came crashing down. Until the werewolf came and ruined it. He went home halfway through the year to his fathers funeral. He had been killed while trying to help a small community being tormented by a lone werewolf. Oliver was different when he came back. He never really bounced back afterword. At first he was a totally different person, sad, distant. He returned little by little. Talking with a few of his closer friends, then opening up more. By fourth year he was mostly back to the way he was before. A little more clingy, a little more jumpy but happy again at least. fifth and sixth year went by and he built back up his circle of friends. By the end of sixth year he knew almost everyone in the entire school. His life was almost back to normal again.[/color] [b]Magic[/b] WAND: [color=7bcdc8](Hawthorne, 30cm) A long dark wand with a threstle hair core. The wand is thin and jagged, looking more like a stick than a wand. The handle is very smooth and its end being decorated with a dark jewel are the only indicators that it is not just a stick. Oliver will tell you that it is his grandfather made the wand in America if asked. It is adept at alteration spells, one namely being the disillusionment charm. [/color] BOGGART: [color=7bcdc8]In second and third year DADA it was a werewolf, blood smearing it's maw and claws, a terrifying form to say the least. Now days it is simply a dark shroud that blankets the room, and silences all sounds. It is lonliness and the feeling of isolation.[/color] PATRONUS: [color=7bcdc8]Bearded Vulture[hider=PATRONUS IMAGE] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZhQnc7WeERo/VDU119S_SSI/AAAAAAAATPs/V7gxaoHfZRs/s1600/Bearded%2BVulture.jp[/img][/hider][/color] TALENT: [color=7bcdc8]Oliver excels at spells that modify appearance. The disillusionment charm is his best;teachers have commented on being nearly perfect. [/color] WEAKNESS: [color=7bcdc8]Oliver isn't very good at potions or Herbology or Astronomy. They aren't 'magic' enough for him and he isn't interested in them. Occasionally Potions will catch his attention as some potions are pretty neat, he isn't very good at following the instructions. Additionally his lumos charm is very weak compared to other wizards.[/color] [b]Other[/b] PET: [color=7bcdc8]A raven named Van, she acts as most owls do.[/color] RELATIONSHIPS: [color=7bcdc8]Melani Stryder- considers her his best friend Emira Firestorm- Admires her pranking skills and has a crush on her Megan Hanover Sprite- Thinks she has a crush on him but just wants to be friends Mike Kholodov- Considers him a good friend and has a crush on him Karen Antonius- Wants to be better friends with her Wyatt Blackwell- Admires his hardwork and extensive knowledge Alyssa Chase- Admires her pranking skills and wants to be better friends with her [/color] EXTRA: [color=7bcdc8]Oliver is studying to become an animagus, He has pretty much got it figured out and only needs to get registered as an animagus. He wants to become an ororer and be a part of the Ministry of Magic. [/color][/center]