[hider=Marzipan] Name: Marzipan. (will go by Mars) Appearance: [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/9b054d9150de444f15ff3bbc12bfc60c/tumblr_n2jr10h3Yb1szbceio1_1280.jpg[/img] One could call her beautiful in a bizzare and draconic fashion. She is an unipressive 5'3" and has a rather thin build. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/4399/f/2009/202/5/3/anima__angelus__dragon_by_wen_m.jpg[/img] In dragon form, she is actually a lot smaller than other Manakete's her age. She is a little bit larger than a grizzly bear. Class: Manakete Age: 100 (she looks to be in her early twenties) Sex: Female Weapon Rank: Dragonstone: D Equipment: Dragonstone Skills: Wyrmsbane: As a Manakete, she knows the intricacies of dragons. Therefore she herself does extra damage to dragons, though only in Manakete form. Pierce: She can use the horn mounted on her head to cause extra damage to her opponents. Plot subjective: Yes ^>^ Please please mess with my character. Personality: Mars takes great pride in using her strength to defeat her enemies in ways which can be considered degrading. She has a rather short attention span as well, and will often lose interest in her enemies and fly away if they are not proving to be worth her time. She hides her true emotions behind a nearly impenetrable wall. She tends to be a bit sarcastic at times, and can say things which seem to be a bit harsh or unforgiving. She actually has quite the soft spot for animals.. but she isn't about to reveal that fact to anyone. She is under the belief that showing any other emotion other than anger and happiness is showing weakness. She is a sucker for a good adventure, and can sometimes be brave to the point of stupidity. She also has something of a temper, and if angered will rampage uncontrollably for hours. Biography: Mars was born and raised in a small, hidden village of Manakete. She was one of only three children born in the last 300 years due to issues with Manakete impotency. These Manaketes were peaceful nomads, who just wanted to be left alone. Mars' parents were kind and gentle, and did their best to raise their child. However, Mars soon proved to be something of a problem child. She often complained of being bored with their life of peace and prosperity. When she turned 12, the young Manakete poked her head into a bandit camp. These bandits humored the young woman, manipulating her into leading them into her village. Once they reached her village, they revealed they were Manakete hunters and started to destroy the village. The young Mars had to watch as her parents were slain right before her eyes. Something in Mars snapped that day as she took up her mother's Dragonstone. For the first time since she was born, she transformed into dragon, and fought against the bandits. She suffered immense wounds and the bandits left her to die. Mars woke a month or so later, being treated by an elderly man who had taken her to his home which was a small house on the side of a nearby mountain. The elderly healer tended to her wounds, and managed to bring her back from the brink of death. Seeing as she had no place to go, the elderly man introduced himself as Utta and offered Mars his home. It took some time for the elderly man to work the young Manakete out of her protective shell, but eventually the two became as close as a father and daughter. However, the elderly man passed away when Mars turned fifteen. Having lost her family again, Mars decided to go on an adventure. She packed up what little belongings she had and started to travel across the world. Along the way, she made human friends, only to watch them age and die before her eyes while she stayed the same age. Watching the deaths of the people she cared about again made Mars into a hardened person. After this, she limited her contact with humans because she was tired of watching people she loved die, and elected to travel on her own, going on a quest to search for more Manaketes. [/hider] How would you feel about adding a Male character who is a dancer/singer? (i know those are normally a female only class, i just thought it might be interesting ^.^) [s]side note, i did read the rules, and i think i was supposed to reference six in my sheets but i dont know exactly how to do that XD[/s]