These two aren't done yet, ironing out details between other characters right now, but the general idea of who they are is there. Backstory will shift a bit, be warned, before they are finalized. [hider=Stranger in a Strange Land] Name: Jerod Appearance: [img][/img] Class: Fighter Age: 35 Sex: Male Weapon Rank: Axes - D Equipment: - Iron Axe Skills: - Berserk Terror : Facing a man with no fear, no concern for his own life, and completely focused on the wanton slaughter of any in his way tends to create a very understandable effect on those unfortunate enough to be in Jerod's way. Even when fear is overcome, the sheer onslaught of attacks makes retaliating difficult. Anyone who is directly opposing Jerod suffers penalties in attacking him, whether due to fear or finding an opening in the onslaught. However, Jerod's own defenses suffer equally at best, which makes taking advantage of openings by others not under his baleful focus potentially easier. - To the Bitter End : Jerod has no fear of Death, treading an all too familiar path every day he walks into a battlefield, meeting the steely gaze of the reaper without a care in the world. The closer to death Jerod gets, and the more forlorn the odds of victory, the harder and better Jerod fights. He won't go quietly, ever, and he will never quit the field until dead or incapacitated beyond his ability to function. (+5 HP, in really fancy terms) Plot subjective: By all means, go for it. Personality: Jerod walks through life with a grin on his face, and an axe ready to handle the problems that nothing else will solve. Jovial and easy going, the large freelancer walks the world in well worn boots and is the first to drink to a toast or take a day off to relax and enjoy the scenery. However, this friendly exterior is hardly a truth, not all of it at any rate. While he tends to be an easy going, spiritual without professed religion, and approachable fellow, find him on the battlefield and an entirely new face arises. Gone is the jovial nature, the friendly drunk that would sooner relax under the shade of a tree all day and watch the clouds float by than work the day away. He throws himself into combat with wild abandon, without a care for his own well being or survival, throwing himself at the largest concentration of enemies and fighting until he is dead, or everything in his way is dead. And he will keep advancing, especially if he is convinced it is a suicidal gesture. But whether this is due to him proving others wrong, or because he genuinely seeks death, is up for debate. Biography: Jerod was born in the land of Regna Ferox, the son of a healer and her blacksmith husband. Early on in life, Jerod proved handy with an axe and loved to follow the older warriors and fighters around, entranced by tales of glory and honor hard won in the name of Regna Ferox's Khans. So of course, as early as he could, the young lad joined with the Feroxian military, under the West Khan specifically, with little more than a hand forged iron axe from his father and a set of rudimentary armor to keep him safe. He rose rapidly in the ranks, technically of outside blood of the Khan's family and would come to champion their cause during one of the Tournaments that would decide the ruler of Ferox for the duration until the next tournament. Jerod would narrowly win, but something changed him during the fight. He seemed less jovial and spirited during combat, and during a raid against a notable bandit threat he vanished. Assumed dead, considering a shattered axe matching the one that he had wielded famously against his opponent during the tournament for Ferox was found among over a dozen dead bandits, he was mourned as a hero of Regna Ferox. Jerod had outlived this fake death, having grown tired of the sport that Feroxians turned war into and carried a conscious heavy with the lives he had taken, purposefully and accidentally alike, over the years he had served the West Khan and threw himself with reckless abandon at any task deemed impossible or suicidal. He let death and fate decide his life span, fighting with a careless abandon that only those insane or suicidal would even consider. Yet, whether it was thanks to the honest, well forged armor of his father, the skill that he wielded his axe with, or just blind luck or leading a blessed life, he lived. For ten years he would throw himself into harms way eagerly, testing fate and death time and time again. He would walk the corners of the world, finding his spirituality again during his travels and continuing to throw himself wildly into ranks of enemies whenever the cause rose up. Word would reach him that the Church of Naga planned a Crusade against all heretics and non believers. Seeing the situation as an ultimate chance to test the will of the powers that be, he set immediate course for Ylisse Other: Jerod speaks with a heavy accent, making him sometimes unintelligible to others, friends or foes. [/hider] [hider=Champion Hunter] Name: Nori Appearance: [img][/img] Class: Archer Age: 27 Sex: Female Weapon Rank: Bow - D Equipment: Iron Bow Vulnary x2 Skills: - Shove : Nori does not like people getting up close and personal, and has practiced techniques to create enough distance to lodge an arrow into an offending attackers face. The first time she is attacked at melee range by a new opponent, she can counter and send the opponent reeling far enough back for her to create the space necessary to open fire with her bow of choice. - Hunter's Mark : Nori is a huntswoman turned bounty hunter at the behest of her mother, and has spent ten years of her life trying to track down a dead man who certain people are still convinced are alive. Nori can pick out individual targets during a fight and, as long as she is focusing her efforts against them, her accuracy and lethality greatly increase at the cost of being less efficient against other targets, distracted by how she would deal with the primary target. With practice, though, it just might be possible to not be so readily distracted when focusing on a target... Plot subjective: Yes, Just do It. Personality: Nori is a quiet, focused, and determined young woman who has a stubborn streak miles wide, almost as much as her older brother Jerod. She has mixed feelings about her older brother, and tends to be touchy on the subject of family because of it, quickly getting either flustered or angry over the matter. Due to her brother's jovial and carefree nature, from what she remembers of him, she often had to be the calm and focused one, or so she thought. In fact, she just wants to find her older brother again and figure out why he faked his death. Or at least confirm he is gone for the sake of closure and peace since no body was found. As such, any goal she pursues, especially related to Jerod, she pursues with an intense focus that leads her to forget to eat, sleep, even care for her own injuries if it means slowing down in her pursuit of her goals. Biography: When Jerod was thirteen years old his younger sister was born, named Nori by their parents. Unlike the large, rough and tumble fighter that Jerod proved to be a natural towards, Nori possessed a natural grace and dexterity that would have been largely wasted on any calling involving the brutal crush of melee combat, at least the majority of teachings available in Regna Ferox. Since their family was hardly rich, she learned how to use a bow at an early age, showing off to her brother and helping bring food in during the winters, readily falling along the path of a hunter rather easily. As she grew older, Nori would admire her brother's dedication and skill in service to the West Khan, even though she sided with the East Khan, and would routinely try to convince him to change over to her side so their family was not as split as it was already. She was going to talk to him again when she saw their raiding party ride out of the gates, and by the time she was able to catch up, men were mourning the death of the West Khan's champion. Nori was quick to pick up that Jerod was not dead. The axe was, while close to correct, clearly a replica forged by her father. She did not bring this up until she returned home and confronted him on the matter. Her father explained the situation, and her mother begged her to find Jerod before he did something rash and died for it. Nori, confused by her brother's apparently sudden change of heart and wild abandonment of all he had worked for, was quick to agree and quietly confided with both Khans about what she suspected was going on. With their blessings she left for parts unknown, tracking rumors of the blonde wildman of the North, rapidly finding numerous slaughtered bandits, rebels, and criminals that had troubled local towns. She grew increasingly concerned with the stories of his wild abandon and reckless lack of concern for his own safety, working harder every day to try and catch up with him. She nearly did, if he had not so suddenly made his destination Ylisse. She caught wind of it later, and cursing fate, turned her path towards Ylisse as well. If her brother was heading there, than by Naga, she would catch him there this time. [/hider]