[hider=Exalt Saya][center]Name: Saya Appearance: [img]http://www.n1ntendo.nl/file/game/2008/screenshot_42447.jpg[/img] Class: Lord Age: 24 Sex: Female Weapon Rank: Sword, D. Equipment: Falchion Skills: Aether, It unleashes two consecutive blows; the first restores HP equal to damage dealt, and the second negates the enemy's defense. Older Sibling, the user grants a stat upgrade to any siblings, blood related or not, who are on the same battlefield. Plot subjective: Yes. Personality: Saya is noble with a strong sense of justice. She is kind, gentle, and intelligent. A good leader through and through. Though a bit naïve she always means good. She has a lot of weight on her shoulders, due to accomplishments of her family in the past, but she never frowns about it. She hides her pain and suffering from others and faces everything with a smile. She's surprisingly tough and can endure more than most people expect. She's selfless and would do anything to protect those she cares about. Biography: Saya is the granddaughter of Lucina, and the great granddaughter of Chrom. She's been in training to take over as Exalt ever since she was a little girl. Everyone was so happy when her mark appeared at a young age. She has big shoes to fill and has worked very hard to be able to fill them. She didn't do a whole lot of playing or interacting with other children her age. She spent most of her time as a child studying, practicing, and training. She started sword training at the orders of her grandmother. She never admitted it, but her favorite lessons were always the swordplay ones. She met a boy who had been orphaned and was being raised in the castle, and immediately took him under her wing. She acted as his big sister and made sure to be near him every second she could. As they got older, she seemed to be the only one to see his potential, once she took over as Exalt, after her mother's passing, she got him a position in the Tactician's academy entrance exam, and he did the rest. She saw less of him then, considering he was learning and she was busy running a county, but their bond never lessened. When she needed an escort for the up and coming meeting, the choice was obvious.[/center][/hider] [hider=East Khan Elesia][center]Name: Elesia Appearance: [img]http://images.forwallpaper.com/files/thumbs/preview/35/353805__audrey-hauer_p.jpg[/img] Class: Mercenary Age: 20 Sex: Female Weapon Rank: Sword, D. Equipment: Iron Sword Skills: Patience, has a higher chance of hitting and dodging when the user is attacked first. Feroxi Way, the user gets a movement boost in uneven terrains, like snow and sand. Plot subjective: Yes. Personality: Elesia is a fighter through and through. She's stubborn to a fault and refuses to go down, even when the situation is hopeless. She's fiercely loyal and would die for a cause she believed in. She's protective and caring in a mama bear sort of way. Mess with her allies and she'll rip your head off. She's vulgar and doesn't know when to hold her tongue, usually saying things that get her into trouble. Don't ask her opinion on anything unless you want an answer, because she'll be bluntly honest with you. She's impatient and gets restless easily. Between battles you'll often find her running around the campsite sparring anyone who will accept her challenge, or simply running around the campsite for the sake of getting up and doing something. Biography: Elesia has been fighting every since she was a little girl. She was rather sickly as a child, fighting off illness and illness until she finally said enough. People joke and say that she willed herself to be healthy again, which is partially true. As soon as she was able to, she began training with a sword, as is the Feroxi way to start weapon training so early. She has dreams of becoming a champion to the Khans, but never imagined herself in a leadership position. She became one of the youngest of the Khan's champions at the age of seventeen. When the East Khan passed away, the West Khan, whom she was championed to, convinced her to join in the competition for the newly opened position. She decided to in order to humor him, and ended up winning. Despite the fact that she hadn't wanted it in the first place, she's done an excellent job so far. Fighting is something she does well, and the Feroxi way is all about combat strength. Despite never being the one with full power over the county, she has learned a lot from the West Khan, and hopes to have control over the country soon. If only to annoy her counterpart. Though she'll have to wait a while, considering they just recently had their last tourney.[/center][/hider]