[hider=Firaniel Yukimura][center]Appearance: [hider=Firaniel][img]http://img13.deviantart.net/8f55/i/2014/288/5/8/rogue_cheney_fairy_tail_389_by_gimesama-d82wz8m.png[/img][/hider] He's relatively tall at 6 foot even and has an athletic build. He has longish black hair which he keeps tied up in a ponytail, his bangs cover his right eye. The eye you can see is crimson in color. He has a pale complexion and a scar on his face going from the left side of his nose, all the way to his right ear. Height: 182.88 Weight: 56.2 Name: Firaniel Yukimura Age: 16 Personality: Firaniel is emotionless, he doesn't feel anything for more than a few seconds. He's quiet and a good listener, but not a good advice giver. He never takes sides, mostly because he just doesn't care. He struggles to interact with people, because he literally can't understand how they feel and why they feel how they do. He's not a great friend, but he is a loyal one. He won't betray anyone because he doesn't possess the ability to do so. He is one of those people who can be easily manipulated or who puts himself into dangerous situations, simply because he doesn't have the emotions to stop him from doing something dangerous. Short Bio: Firaniel's parents died when he was very young. He was adopted shortly after that. He has always struggled with controlling his powers and getting along with people. But his adoptive parents have always been patient and tried to help him. They're sending him off to school in hopes that he can learn to control his powers better, and learn how to put them to good use. Quirk: Mutant. Firaniel has an extra organ in his body, located on the right side of his chest. This organ produces an enzyme that breaks down emotional energy into the purest form of energy, then stores that energy inside itself until Firaniel expels it, usually in the form of spheres. He can extract emotional energy from other people and absorb it into himself to be broken down and used, but it doesn't take the emotion itself, or transfer it to Firaniel. In fact, most people don't even notice when he does it. Emotional energy can be broken down into three different groups, positive, which is blue, negative, which is red, and neutral, which is purple. The emotion that is broken down depends on the form of energy it will become. Neutral energy is transferred from the organ to his own body, which can be used to increase his healing rate slightly, or replenish his own lost energy. Positive energy can be given to other people to do the same thing. Negative energy is used as attacks, resulting in second degree burns wherever it touches. Due to being unable to turn it off, Firaniel only feels emotions for a short period of time before they are broken down by his body. Making him calm and emotionless 95% of the time. The organ can only hold so much energy at a time, so Firaniel MUST expel it, or else it could burst and kill him. Other: Firaniel desperately wants to understand emotions, so he will ask people questions about them constantly. Extremely strong instances of emotion are unable to be broken down fast enough, and he is able to feel them for a short period of time, before they disappear.[/center][/hider]