[hider= Sophia Rose] [b]Name[/b]: Sophia Rose [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/00/b3/2b00b33fcd1758f762782d9f57cb03d6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Class[/b]: Mage [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Weapon Rank[/b]: Tombs D rank [b]Equipment[/b]: Fire tomb, Wind tomb, Thunder tomb, Vulnerary x3 [b]Skills[/b]: Class: Fortune (She has a chance to gain more experience from killing enemies based on luck) Custom: Overload (Sometimes her spells do more damage than expected with sometimes unexpected side effects especially if she gets emotional) [b]Plot subjective[/b]: Yes [b]Personality[/b]: Sophia is a kind and cheerful person. She is always smiling. She is always willing to help whomever needs it. She is an eternal optimist and is always willing to celebrate over smallest of victories. She often gets complaints about how her positivism being false though. In honesty, It is an act. Sophia rarely smiles unless someone in around her. She rarely talks about herself and bring up herself is a good way to kill a conversation. [b]Biography[/b]: Sophia was born in the desert of Pelgia to a village of devote followers of the fallen dragon god Grima. Even after the Shepards defeat of the dragon, the villagers stuck to the faith. They never participated in the war for they were too busy just surviving the harshness of the desert. Sophia's last name was originally Blackthorn. It was the ruling family of the village. Sophia was trained in magical arts and lead a strict and rigorous life. Oppressed by her own family, She eventually ran away from her reponsibility to her people and family. Having cast off all signs of Plegian heritage, Sophia travels around the continent in a aimless pursue driven by her wanderlust. She has completely abandoned any knowledge she had to dark magic and turned to Anima magic instead. Her accent is no longer Plegian unless she is extremely exhausted. [/hider]