[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d2/c6/c4/d2c6c4172893500fd03facee0bde5675.jpg[/img] [b]Character information[/b] NAME: [color=pink]Quillan Rose Ashford[/color] GENDER: [color=pink]Female[/color] SEXUALITY: [color=pink]Bisexual[/color] AGE: [color=pink]17[/color] YEAR: [color=pink]6th[/color] HOUSE: [color=pink]Slytherin[/color] BLOOD STATUS: [color=pink] Muggle-born[/color] [b]In-depth Information[/b] APPEARANCE: [color=pink]Untamed, mid-back length hair tickles her upper back and frames her heart shaped face. She usually leaves her brown hair down, but will tie it back occasionally. Kind mocha brown eyes twinkle out at others, and are usually covered with mascara and eyeliner. Her nose is crooked and long with small cheekbones. Quillan wears makeup for fun though she doesn't mind her sun-kissed skin. Quill stands at 5'3, so she's shorter than most girls. She has muscle from exercise but isn't overly done. Quill dresses girly and tends to dress well, though keeping it at a minimum. She loves to wear jewellery.[/color] PERSONALITY: [color=pink]Quill's sense of humor ranges from light to dark, and sometimes borderline unnecessary. Her vocabulary consists of lady-like language and when her temper flares, will usually turn into a sailor. Though she's hot-tempered, she's working to control it. Her demeanor comes across as boarding and intimidating, but deep down, she's a kind-hearted soul. Compassionate, patient, and a good listener, she seems like a push over. It couldn't be farther from the truth: Quill will not back down, even if her life is threatened. She has thick skin form being bullied as a child and will go to extreme lengths to defend/protect people. Quill is usually laid back and easy-going, but when trouble occurs or danger, she's ready to go and even excited. She won't admit she's thrill seeker but won't deny it either. Her loyalty is unwavering, though she'll run if someone seems like they are up to no good. Quill's bravery is one of her more favored traits, though it's been a hard-work in process. Most people underestimate her and don't realize how cunning or wicked she can be if she's tested enough.[/color] HISTORY: [color=pink]Quillan was born to muggle parents: her mother, Bianca; and her father Devin. They couldn't be more ecstatic to have her after trying so long to have a baby. From the moment she was born to age eleven, there was something different about Quillan. Her parent's couldn't place it though and tried to ignore it. As she grew up, it became more pronounced. Accidents occurred around her without explanations. When Quill was four, the microwave accidentally exploded, but electricians blamed it on a circuit fuse. Her parents agreed although it was odd as Quill had thrown a tantrum moments before it exploded. At school, Quill didn't fit in well with her shorter stature. For this, she was bullied and it became relentless. She learned to stand up for herself, though it took many tears and encouragement from her parents. Finally, at age 10, Quill punched one of her bullies and was suspended. Her parents were outraged and fought against it, but the school didn't let her back. They felt at a loss to help their daughter. Soon afterwards, her birthday came. When her parents and she received her Hogwarts letter, all their questions finally had answers. Quillan was a witch and the accidents were blamed on her magic. Bianca felt conflicted but proud, and Dev in was elated. They knew why their daughter was different now. The Ashford's told her relatives and family friends that they sent her to a boarding school to teach her proper behavior. Since she's attended Hogwarts, Quill has found her new home and loves it more than anything in the world. However, being sorted into Slytherin, was a bittersweet situation. Being muggleborn in a house favoring purebloods, she worked hard to prove she belonged. After her first year, she finally found herself situated and mostly respected in her house.[/color] [b]Magic[/b] WAND: [color=pink]6 1/2, fir, unicorn hair. The wand is unyielding and easy to grip. It is smaller than other wands, though this makes it easily concealed.[/color] BOGGART: [color=pink]Clowns. She was at a birthday party which hosted a clown and it terrified her.[/color] PATRONUS: [hider=PATRONUS IMAGE][color=pink]Arctic Wolf[/color] [img]http://a-z-animals.com/media/animals/images/470x370/arctic_wolf7.jpg[/img][/hider] TALENT: [color=pink]Potions and Transfiguration are her best classes. The spell that Quill is best at is [i]Episkey[/i].[/color] WEAKNESS:Herbology and Astronomy.[/color] [b]Other[/b] PET: [color=pink] She owns a barn owl named Mars.[/color] EXTRA: [color=pink]She flies in her free time and has a knack for it. Also, Quill is an animangi, which is a wolf. [/color][/center]