Cecil didn’t know what was going around inside his head but this whole situation had made him confused and scared, his eyes staring into Ethan’s as he pleaded with him. He didn’t know what he was supposed to say other than to plead with Ethan to forgive him. Once he was finally let go he backed away from Ethan, falling onto his knee momentarily before getting back up, holding where he was grabbed as he looked to the others with a fearful gaze. What had he done to cause such emotion? He didn’t have any control when he did that, it all felt like some sort of state where his mind went offline but his body didn’t. He didn’t know how to explain that if he could, his mind struggling to come up with an excuse for his behaviour. Just what was happening to him? He felt like he was barely functioning, his energy levels shifting erratically as he tried to understand what was happening to him. Those images he saw when he touched that equipment, he couldn’t understand them at all. What he saw couldn’t had been real, but it felt real and the pain that coursed through him. He felt so confused, he had made more enemies than just those men with his own friends expressing disappointment, anger and fear towards him. Was he who he thought he was? He couldn’t be, not after doing such a thing. He may not understand what it meant to kill someone, but the guilt Ethan had delivered to him was just too much for his mind to handle. “I-I’m a…combat machina…right…?” he mumbled, his hand going to his head before being taken aback by the dent in his head. His body had been damaged, another hit and his framework may not had been able to protect his data core. As a brief moment of panic washed over him he twisted around before immediately backing up, startled by Amuné being off to the side. He couldn’t understand what was happening, he didn’t know what he was either at this rate. He thought he was a combat machina, but those images told him something else. Looking to his hands quickly he soon grabbed his head, squatting down. “I-I am…right?? No I-I-I can’t be…” he stuttered, looking to his hands again, “I’m not-I’m…I’m not alive…” He was confused and disorientated, his head unable to get around what was happening to him or how his friends felt about him. He was just endangering everyone by being there if that was just going to happen to him. Was he simply malfunctioning or was something else happening to him? Feeling like he might end up exploding considering everything else that happened he was almost ready to throw himself overboard just to save them all the grief of having him around; however, the sound of shifting metal nearby alerted his senses to possible danger. Quickly getting to his feet he started twitching, his body slowly tipping to one side before he caught himself and held his head. He had been damaged other than just his shell, probably from the smack he had received. Hopefully his data recording hadn’t been damaged, but he didn’t know why he was caring about that at a time like this. Feeling like he was in a right panic and unable to understand what was happening he twitched lightly, staring blankly forward as he slowly moved into a crouch, feeling like he was going into a mental breakdown as he grew confused over who he is or was.