[@TheMoatedGrange] Hello! Welcome to Aftermath, nice to see you express interest. I have to say, though I'm still looking over your CS, the PC is rather nicely done and thought out of from what I've read so far. I'm enjoying the read so far though I need to wait until [@Ellri] and [@Sundered Echo] get on so we can properly evaluate it. However, from my point of view she's looking good so far. It's nice to see someone filling a much needed role for prisoners as well, something that makes me very, very excited to see her influence. Also enjoyed this part (as I'm sure [@Sep] will too): [quote]- Avoid romance at all costs![/quote] :hehe You and Sep will get along just fine. [quote=@Sep] [@TheMoatedGrange] someone after my own heart. [/quote] :0 Someone earned Sep's heart, OMG! Someone mark this day, quick! [quote=@Sep] Well. This is awkward. Poor, poor Egren. Guess Sish can have him now. [/quote] Well... you did say you liked your SW books, at least it's something you have in common! :p