Nick was a bit surprised at Iris’s silver pupils. Was that biologically possible? Well, she was blind, so perhaps that’s why her pupils are not black. Or maybe it’s the other way around. She’s blind because her pupils are silver? Who knows? Then again, a spirit from the 15th century sounded a bit absurd too. This entire day had just been weird occurance after weird occurance. [Color=966f33]“I sure hope this isn’t a fruitless journey. It’d be such a disappointment, not to mention, I’d be wasting time when I could be studying or hanging out with friends.”[/color] Nick wondered out loud. [Color=C45CC9][i]Alice? Dead? Preposterous! There’s no absolute way that she could die without my knowledge. We will triumph over the Red Queen, whether she likes it or not![/i][/color] The hatter proclaimed loudly in his head. At this point, the redhead wished this voice came with an off button. A call later, the twins were heading off saying something about finding the white knight. Who the heck was this Dolsha person? Seemed like another strange person that Nick was going to get involved with. [Color=966f33]“Sure, I’ll go with. It’s not like I have any leads anyways. This dumb spirit came to me, not the other way around.”[/color] He said. [Color=C45CC9][i]I’m personally offended![/i][/color] The mad hatter started to rant about something along the lines of being respected back in Wonderland (wherever that was), and then there were some riddles and mentions of a birthday? Nick couldn’t even follow the logic of this conversation.