[quote=@The Kid Lantern] As far as the cannon goes, we've only been fighting Brainiac for maybe 3 weeks or so. The military stepped in two days after Superman fell to Brainiac, however anything dependent on technology on the Eastern United States has all but completely been rendered useless including the big guns and bombs at the disposal of the President and military, hence why Metropolis isn't already a crater. Save for a few different brands of burner phones and anything tapping into foreign satellites, nothing works. The internet for that half of the U.S., phones, etc. has been useless and utilities have been randomly going out and teens are going mad without Facebook and digital tv. The military has been overseeing the evacuation of neighboring cities around Metropolis as well as holding the line and helping assist the League in keeping the threat contained to Metropolis. It's July the 3rd, Independence Day is a few short hours away. Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Capt. Marvel, Bluebird, St. William, and Shay [are we calling him 'Revenant' yet?] are going back into city limits in an attempt to free the survivors being held captive underneath the old location of the Daily Planet [now a cybernetic skyscraper of technology and DEATH]. Two hundred thousand survivors. Nightwing. Possibly Superboy. What was it Batman said in his journal entry at the very beginning of the RP? "We can't possibly save them all, but how do you choose who lives and dies?" Back at base camp, the remaining heroes and YJ crew are left to rest and heal from injuries from earlier in the day. Superbeast, Kid Flash, Starfire, Maxus-El, Dr. Light, Static, and the injured Raven are all present. However everything is going to get nuts when an unseen enemy arrives at base camp. It won't be something under the influence of Brainiac, but how will the enemy get past the military AND all of the metahumans walking around? It's about to get Walking Dead up in here with everything that's about to go down LOL This is where the RP was moving towards from day one. ~KL~ [/quote] Awesome! Thanks for clarifying the setting a bit more. Sounds quite exciting!