[center][h2][b][color=#08A5B0]A[/color][color=#119DA6]n[/color][color=#1A959D]t[/color][color=#238D94]a[/color][color=#2C858B]r[/color][color=#357D82]e[/color][color=#3E7578],[/color] [color=#516566]K[/color][color=#5A5D5D]e[/color][color=#635554]i[/color][color=#6C4D4A]k[/color][color=#754541]o[/color][color=#7E3D38]k[/color][color=#87352F]u[/color][/b][/h2][hr] [IMG]http://safebooru.org//images/1512/be55d5b9b2989b0b695c4112e94ff19f0fe7de5f.jpg?1584572[/IMG] [i][u]Summary:[/u][/i] Idk.... [b]Age:[/b] 16. [b]Rank:[/b] Genin. [b]Village Affiliation:[/b] Konohagakure.[/center] [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [hider=Spoiler][b]Additional Appearance Details:[/b] Standing at 5'6 and weighing average for her age, Keikoku was an early bloomer, possessing a filled out figure and fairly mature face despite her youth. She always wears a scarf around her neck regardless of the temperature or occasion. [hider=Keikoku's Garb][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1355/8e2a76fd4b1d9d4eaf464891655fa50434e3fa8a.png?1409048[/img][/hider] [b]Fame:[/b] N/A. [b]Personality:[/b] A young woman of fiery passion and calculated intelligence, Keikoku looks at the world through a harsh lens instilled by her growing up during wartime, or at least in the aftermath of such. She sees most people either as a means to her ends or as monsters wearing masks of kindness. As such she trusts few and enjoys the company of even fewer. However, she is an actress and a marvelous one at that, allowing her to appear pleased or even positively enamored with someone, or the opposite of such, to fool her way into the good graces of those around her. However, this is not her only skill as Keikoku is an incredibly intuitive woman, tending to prefer going with her gut rather than following the spirit of the rules. With this intuition she not only makes decisions, but analyzes people, allowing her to easily pick up on the various nuances that make every individual, well, unique. Still, while Keikoku may seem like the perfect girl on the outside and a manipulative bitch on the level just below she is in fact quite vulnerable at her core. Her acting is just that, acting, and her analytical and often socially destructive nature is a defense mechanism to keep people from getting to close. This is apparent almost solely when she is away from prying eyes, but with her team, or outright alone where her suppressed kindness and fierce loyalty make themselves known. In truth she is a team player with a strong sense of justice and an even more indomitable will. [b]History:[/b] Her family new to the village, Keikoku was born to a place unfamiliar to her parents, though they were welcomed there nonetheless. She grew up amongst adults who spoke of seals and jutsu while she played with her toys. She was encouraged to follow in her parent's footsteps and when it came down to it she was happy to do so. After all from a very young age her eyes would always light up when her parents spoke of their craft. It was so intricate and pretty back then, though as she grew old enough to understand they became more than just pretty symbols and instead became intricate and beautiful, though in a totally different way. They were complex and figuring them out was a puzzle that she felt driven to complete. So it was that she joined the academy and eventually, in a relatively normal amount of time, graduated. Nonetheless she excelled, looked up to by her peers or disliked because of her talents. There was bullying because of their jealousy, but eventually she adapted, finding that it was far easier to play their little mind games better than they could then to relent and endure their jeers and petty pranks. When she graduated she didn't really expect that much would change, but as the days went on and she trained with her team she grew close to the two...protective even though perhaps not as much as she should have been. This lack of protectiveness and a stern voice was what, in her mind, landed her and Kicho in a dangerous situation when they went on their first mission despite their sensei asking them to do otherwise. Not only did they leave Kareha behind to do it, but they overestimated their skills, with Kicho deciding to rashly rush in. Captured and at the mercy of the more experienced shinobi, Kicho's eyes had pleaded for her help, but she could do nothing in fear that the man would hurt her friend. If it weren't for Kareha perhaps the two of them would be dead...or worse, captured by the enemy. Luckily that wasn't how things had played out. Nonetheless, ever since that day Keikoku has never once let her own doubt get in the way of protecting her teammates be it from others or themselves. She has come to respect Kareha's cautious and quiet nature and to value Kicho's decisiveness and lack of hesitation despite their individual faults. She does her best to excel where they do not in hopes that should the day come that they are in a dangerous situation as before that they will be ready—if not individually, then together.[/hider][h2]Combat Information[/h2] [hider=Spoiler][h3]General Information[/h3] [b]Combat Summary:[/b] Keikoku is a tempest of movement, utilizing her scarf, Arras as both a defensive and offensive implement to unleash potentially devastating fuinjutsu or disarm an unprepared opponent. While appearing fiery and erratic at first, one soon finds that Keikoku is a skilled tactician, and so one should never assume that she's thought any less than three steps ahead. [b]Skills:[/b] D - Taijutsu(Including her scarf as a weapon/tool) C - Fuinjutsu C - Chakra Control D - Ninjutsu [h3]Weapon & Summoning List[/h3] [hider][b]Standard Weapons:[/b] 80 Kunai. 20 Shuriken. 10 feet of wire. 150 chakra reactive tags. -------- [b]Unique Equipment:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Arras. [b]Description:[/b] A scarf always worn on Keikoku's person, this cloth is of a unique make as it was sewn by its wearer's late mother, each thread having chakra integrated into its very fibers. As a result the fabric possesses the tensile strength of steel with the flexibility of cloth. Arras is very receptive to Keikoku's chakra, but will actively reject/repulse the chakra of others, even if it is weaved into ninjutsu. The scarf, upon Keikoku channeling chakra throughout the entirety of its length, will glow in areas, revealing a variety of seals. While a considerably less important trait of Arras, the scarf is in fact capable of altering its color based on the user's ability to move their chakra through it in different patterns. Last of its physical properties is the fact that it is incredibly dense. This property is due to a seal storing the majority of its true length. As such it should be noted that the scarf can lengthen, shorten, or even widen as the user sees fit. One truly skilled in the art of chakra manipulation will find themselves able even to alter the scarf's shape. [b]Special Skills:[/b] While Keikoku has made a point of studying the vast amount of seals transcribed upon Arras' surface, she is unaware that the scarf also holds a trove of seals [i]within[/i] its form. The item is in truth an heirloom which is built upon with each passing generation in her family line. Each seal on or within Arras cannot immediately be utilized by Keikoku as specific frequencies and patterns of chakra must be utilized to activate them the first time. This, naturally, requires incredibly fine chakra control and because of this Keikoku has yet to access even 1/100th of Arras's capabilities and like many before her, she may never grasp its true power. At current time, Keikoku has identified and been able to access eight seals. Additionally it should be noted that Arras is just as capable of storing chakra, or being altered by it so as to become a more effective weapon. This reveals that it can also have additional seals placed upon or within it as it is very receptive of chakra to the extent that it can easily amplify the chakra control of its wielder as long as the chakra is within its form.[/hider] [b]Jutsu List[/b] [h3]Canon Jutsu[/h3] [hider][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Enclosing_Technique]Fūnyū no Jutsu(Enclosing Technique)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Finger_Carving_Seal]Shikoku Fūin(Finger Carving Seal)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Cloth_Binding_Technique]Nunoshibari no Jutsu (Cloth Binding Technique)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning:_Lightning_Flash_Blade_Creation]Kuchiyose: Raiko Kenka(Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation)[/url] - Applied to all her weapons and tools. Thus will allow her to recall them back to her person or into seals located on her person.[/hider][h3]Custom Jutsu[/h3] [hider][B]Name of Technique:[/B] Fūin renketsu([sub]封印連結[/sub] [I]'Seal Linking'[/I]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Fūinjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] Contact. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Description:[/B] Used in most barrier techniques this allows the user to link one seal to another and even transmit overlaid seals from between the links. Additionally the user can create an area-of-effect by linking 2 or more seals. This can also be used to link 2 seals with chakra within and thus make a path for things -like vibrations- to travel through. This seal is inscribed on her palms and the bottoms of her feet, allowing her to place them simply by making contact with an object and instigating a slight influx of chakra into the seal. The seal can be easily removed by damaging what it is on. She must make contact with either her body or her specialized tools to implement this seal onto a surface. The seal has the normal weakness of typical fūinjutsu. [hr] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Fuinjutsu: Tenkō([sub]フイン術: 転向[/sub] [I]'Sealing Technique: Switch'[/I]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Fūinjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] D. [B]Range:[/B] Contact. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] This technique is a small set of interlaid lines and circles that can be applied to any of the user's fuinjutsu. Effectively, this allows the user to activate or deactivated a fuinjutsu's effect by preforming 3 hand seals. This is often utilized in tangent with the fire sealing method techniques and has the effect of allowing the user to release the jutsu from the scroll or otherwise object. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Hirukigō([sub]蛭記号[/sub] [I]'Leech-symbol'[/I]). [b]Type:[/b] Fūinjutsu. [b]Rank:[/b] B. [b]Range:[/b] Contact. [b]Hand Signs:[/b] 5. [b]Description:[/b] A seal stored within Arras, Hirukigō, once activated will continuously pull chakra from any available source unless blocked by another seal. While this makes it incredibly useful to sap chakra from enemies it also comes with the unfortunate side effect of draining the user's chakra when they are of insufficient skill to properly control the technique or do not possess a seal to block this process. As such, Hirukigō is only useable, at current time, through Arras, which acts as a filter to the potentially dangerous technique. >As a result of this Hirukigō is weaker, drawing only a negligible amount of chakra. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Surikomi no Jutsu([sub]刷り込みの術[/sub] [I]'Imprinting technique'[/I]). [b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu; Fūinjutsu. [b]Rank:[/b] C. [b]Range:[/b] [b]Hand Signs:[/b] 0-5. [b]Description:[/b] A technique allowing a seal user to imprint chakra onto an object in such a format that a seal can be created on the given surface or in a prefabricated way wherein a seal is automatically placed upon the use of the technique, Surikomi no Jutsu is held within Keikoku's scarf first and foremost, though she does have a pair of leather gloves that allow her to achieve the same results. This technique requires 8 seconds of focus when the user possesses chakra control or fūinjutsu talent of equivalent rank. For each rank higher than the technique's own the user may subtract 2 seconds of prep time due to the increase in skill. Should even a small sliver of foreign chakra be channeled through the imprinted chakra before it manifests as a seal the technique is disrupted. The handseals required for the technique decrease as skill increases. Full mastery allows an individual to shed the limitation of handseals entirely. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Mahi hyōshō([sub]麻痺表象[/sub] [I]'Paralysis emblem'[/I]). [b]Type:[/b] Fūinjutsu. [b]Rank:[/b] D. [b]Range:[/b] Contact. [b]Hand Signs:[/b] 1. [b]Description:[/b] An exceptionally simple seal, Mahi hyōshō causes whatever chakra is in contact with it to stop moving into new locations. As such the chakra in a person's body can properly circulate, but cannot be removed from their chakra network and their physical body is similarly unable to move as their chakra system is essentially locked in the space it is occupying upon the application of the seal. While a less common use of the technique, a skilled shinobi could potentially use this technique to counter some forms of ninjutsu or use it to establish defenses of a sort. It is thought that this technique was, and perhaps still is, essential to the creation of barriers. While considered a D rank technique due to its miniscule chakra drain on the user, the technique is effective even on higher level techniques all the way up to B rank. Nonetheless should the seal have no remaining medium or should it be disrupted by a sudden and skillful spike of chakra it can, and likely will, break. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Dōtai gyōretsu([sub]導体行列[/sub] [I]'Circuit matrix'[/I]). [b]Type:[/b] Ninjutsu; Fūinjutsu. [b]Rank:[/b] C. [b]Range:[/b] Contact. [b]Hand Signs:[/b] N/A. [b]Description:[/b] A bizarre technique designed to create specific channels or pathways of chakra in a body or object, Dōtai gyōretsu requires intense chakra control. With it a skilled individual may create chakra pathways inside of their body that can be utilized for different purposes or cause a variety of effects. A master of the technique can layer fuinjutsu upon this technique applying specific traits and properties to chakra that moves through the [i]'circuits'[/i] created by the technique. Currently Keikoku is not skilled enough in the techniques use to do this. However, the technique acts as an amplifier to her already fairly impressive chakra control as well as a tool of sorts. The technique has been displayed to speed up, slow down, and divert the flow of chakra in various mediums. When utilized the technique creates a series of lines and interwoven symbols on the surface of the affected person or item. Any property or effect that the user is already capable of causing with their chakra can be achieved via this method and/or amplified by such.[/hider][/hider]